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Tesla Model 3 earns rave review from one of Germany’s biggest magazines

Startet av olavxxx, tirsdag 26. mars 2019, klokken 23:08

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"Tesla's much-celebrated Model 3 has earned another rave review, this time from one of Germany's most accomplished magazines, Der Spiegel. Their conclusion? Tesla Model 3 is poised to strike fear into the hearts of more established automakers in the region.

A midnight gray Model 3 Performance served as the car of choice for Der Spiegel's latest review of the all-electric sports sedan. Tesla's trademark acceleration didn't miss a beat, with the publication validating Model 3's ability to perform a 0-100 km/h sprint in 3.5 seconds and register a top speed of 250 km/h (155 mph). The results place Model 3 ahead some of the industry's top high-performance sedans like the BMW M3.

Der Spiegel further lauded Tesla for maximizing the space in the Model 3's cabin, which gave the vehicle more space than other cars in its class. Features that came through over-the-air updates such as Dog Mode, which protects pets that are left inside the vehicle, were lauded by the publication. Some of the Model 3's more fun capabilities, including Easter Eggs like the now-infamous Emissions Testing Mode (also known as the Fart App) were positively received by Der Spiegel's reviewers as well."

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