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Kosepreik med Munroe

Startet av JorEl, lørdag 02. mars 2019, klokken 08:28

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Tesla Model S75D 2018 MCU2 FSD HW3
"the car is driving itself, the driver is only there for legal reasons"


En som har lært litt av Munroe, mtp Tesla. Kjapp og kjekk.
Tesla Model S75D 2018 MCU2 FSD HW3
"the car is driving itself, the driver is only there for legal reasons"


Tesla Model S75D 2018 MCU2 FSD HW3
"the car is driving itself, the driver is only there for legal reasons"


Mer Munroe og Tesla. Legg merke til spørsmålene under videoen til Sean.
What does Munro & Associates do? 1:06

What is your technical background? 3:03

What are traditional automakers doing well with EVs? 5:13

What pending EV are you most excited about? 11:38

Why are we not seeing more competitive range EVs from traditional OEMs? 13:57

Do EV makers need to create their own cells to be competitive? 16:22

Will Tesla get into the battery raw materials business? 22:01

Why is the Model 3 over-manufactured? 26:44

Is a 204 mile e-tron and 235 mile I-Pace viable for the luxury EV market? 31:25

What do you make of Rivian's product and will Ford take advantage of their tech? 36:41

What did you discover between how Tesla and others approached overall design and manufacturing? 45:36

You've compared Tesla's hardware tech to what you see in fighter jets, can you expound on that? 52:52
Tesla Model S75D 2018 MCU2 FSD HW3
"the car is driving itself, the driver is only there for legal reasons"

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