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Think City Enerdel Lithium Ion tråden

Startet av worry, fredag 08. februar 2019, klokken 18:37

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I am not 100% sure I understand your question - maybe you can post a short video?
If I understand correctly what you are seeing is the result of the battery changing the "max regen" and "max drive" current parameters.
These parameters are then used to map the dials on the dashboard.
Usually these parameters are staying relatively constant... but if the battery pack is at maximum voltage it would not allow regen and the way for it to signal that to the drive unit is to set the "max regen" to a very small value.
So suddenly the scale of the dashboard is changing and if previously 15A current was barely noticable it is now maybe 4 times the movement.
You can see some of these parameters if you build and run nikometer:
nikometer? -


Thank you Nikolay,
You describe perfectly what I see. The regen I felt was lower than what I feel when the battery is more drained, despite the higher than normal movement.

The nicometer seem really interesting. Do you sell this thing ready for installation? I don't have much spare time these days. And computer stuff is a challenge for me.  :)
Think lithium


I don't sell it - it is fully open source...
I can probably build one for you but it would be expensive... PM me and I will try to give you a quote depending on how you want to connect it to the car
nikometer? -


Ok, thanks.  :+1:
I see your link, "" . I will check that out later. Right now I have too much other stuff going.
Think lithium

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