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Where to buy a crashed e-Golf

Startet av heikkij, torsdag 10. januar 2019, klokken 21:02

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Greetings from Finland - and sorry for writing in English, I can't really write in Norwegian (I can read half of it). Not even sure If this is right channel for this kind of question, pls help me to find a correct one?

What I'm looking for is a place/seller to purchase a crashed/totaled e-Golf for my project (to transfer the motor, battery etc) to an older VW or Audi.

Is there some channels in Norway for this? Is it even possible to buy a complete crashed car there? I've once bought a crashed Golf R from Sweden for my Scirocco 4motion project and we had to cut the roof off to be able to export the car from Sweden.

I really appreciate all help on this! We only have a few e-Golfs in Finland and I haven't found any crashed ones.

Oh, and it doesn't need to be crashed if it's cheap, but I don't need the body of the car...  ;)

RonnyØ2 har generelt mye elbil inne. Men du får ikke kjøpt hel bil der


This page lists wrecked cars from lots of suppliers. Most of them will also sell parts separately, if that is cheaper or easier to transport.

Some e-Golf examples:
2016 BMW i3 94Ah
2019 Audi e-tron 55


All insurance cars are auctioned away at, but you cannot get access to it as a private person. Therefor you will have to buy a complete parts car from a salvage yard that has already gone that route.

Grønvolds are quite big on electric cars, it might be possible to get in touch with them and give them some time to get the parts or complete car for you:


Thanks you for the answers, really appreciate! I'll look at the links you provided and contact. It is not an issue to participate an auction as a company.


You will never have the vehicle approved by EU by converting a "fossile" car model to an electric vehicle unless you enforce the body/chassis. The enforcement needed are comprehensive. You have to install numerous high-tensile enforcemets to comply with E-Golf. Unless you install these enforcements, the car will not be approved for in-traffic use.
VW E-UP nov. 2013 -> april 2017
TMS S85D mars 2015
VW E-Golf mai 2017


I'm planning to install into an older car where the regulation is not that strict, at least not in Finland.


I do not understand if Finland should alter from safety regulation in EU? Even if you have an old car, you have to comply with the regulations - if you have a major change as this is?
You will increase the weight by the battery and the brakes and suspension may be upgraded too - not only the chassis/body.
Check with your local autorities if the change is approved!
VW E-UP nov. 2013 -> april 2017
TMS S85D mars 2015
VW E-Golf mai 2017


Trust me, I know what I'm doing :) There are limits for weight etc. and brakes need to be upgraded if performance is more than original. In Finland the regulation is quite easy if the car is from 80's or older. For example for power you just take the most powerful version of that car model and you can increase that by 20%. And if weight increases then you may decrease the amount of passengers.

Also, one big reason why I'm doing this is to learn more, especially about conversion to electric by doing it myself. Previously we've converted from petrol to diesel and vice versa, changed engine to more powerful / upgraded with turbo or converted from 2wd to 4wd. All that has been legal. The only one that required special permission from government agency was the conversion of 2011 Scirocco from 2wd to 4wd.


Can You use battery from an e-golf to power Your house? convert it from 400 v to 220 v. Expensive?
Polo 2.5


Sitat fra: gak på lørdag 19. januar 2019, klokken 03:37
Can You use battery from an e-golf to power Your house? convert it from 400 v to 220 v. Expensive?
Yes, that should be possible. I'm also studying that for another project. But 400V DC is completely different than 220V AC - you're going to need an inverter.


I think xStorage from Nissan is a better option then.
Polo 2.5


If you're looking for a ready-made solution, then definitely yes. And there's many other options (e.g. Tesla Powerwall 2, which I think currently has best cost/capacity ratio).


Hi. There are MANY sites in the US, where you can bid on crashed cars. Maybe cheaper? (Or maybe not)


Remind me later..........
Toppåsveien, rett ved Kolbotn

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