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Rapport fra "felten" om FSD-testing

Startet av emmern, torsdag 03. januar 2019, klokken 15:09

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SitatHad the opportunity to speak with a Tesla employee sometime in the past week who is part of the employee test program for full self driving. Apparently everything is working well at this point (stop signs, street lights, left turns, right turns, etc.) The only consistent bug he has had is "valet mode", where the car will drop off the occupants and find its own parking spot. While that part works fine, it had some issues coming back (refused to saying obstacle detected). He has a model x, and the instrument cluster is 2 parts, the right side shows a debug feed for fsd and the left side is normal

Additionally, they have a top down 360 view working for autopilot debugging to show the locations of cars and signs. He also noted that someone successfully got an mcu to mcu2 replacement done, but they were told not to do it anymore. All it required was a pin out change. They are also testing an oled display for the mcu to fix yellow banding.

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