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PCAN View USB first read out battery dead ?

Startet av Frederic, mandag 26. november 2018, klokken 10:48

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We are a group of Think City owners in Annecy (France).

Two of our members have started to have serious problems with their vehicles.

Both do not allow for traction battery charging nor for engine running (moving)

Both were diagnosed with Bosch KTS system with no meaningful result.

Both PCU were dismounted to have a look at the fuses inside.... everything was ok...

We have decided to move to a PEAK system PCAN view, as several positive references were found on this forum.

We would be thankful to receive some advise on how to use it, how to connect it, to allow for its best usage.
Should it be used alone or in combination with other hardware or software?

Thank you


My personal EV collection:
- Audi A2 Electric
- Citroen Saxo Electrique 2-doors
- Vectrix VX1 (in different colors)
- CityEl Fact4
- MiniEl Targa/Cabrio/Basic: red, red
- Th!nk A266 PIV4 (also for sale)
- Th!nk A306 City (cars, parts, service)




I have PCAN view with USB probe
I have commtool 3.08
What else
How to link them ?



Hi Frederic,
I would recommend that you ask that question on the yahoo group where most of the users have Enerdel battery packs.
Also you can try to read through the documentation - I remember seeing a quite detailed instruction, but can not seem to find it.
nikometer? -



I was able to receive the attached tables when connecting to the battery with PCANView.
Does one of you see something stange ?



The screenshot looks like CommTool, not PCAN-view. If you use CommTool, try to "Select master sequence file", then find the Analog-1-8.MSF and click Get Data. Take a screenshot. Next select Analog-9-16.MSF and clock Get Data again.

Paste the screenshots here.

Kind Regards

Rune N




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Batteri module with slave index 8 has one cell which is very low. It might be the battery module that needs to be changed. However, it might be the RLEC card that is defect. Battery pack must be dismounted from the car. Then try to switch the two RLEC cards on the slave index 8 and 9 again. Connect the battery to the car using the cables and measure again, not mount it completly. If the previous module suddenly is good and the other is bad, then the RLEC card is bad and should be changed. You will then need a new one for slave index 8.

Kind Regards


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