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TeslaBjørn Nyland: Austria will raise speed limits for EVs

Startet av elekTrond, tirsdag 13. november 2018, klokken 01:45

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Ny, informativ edutainmment video ute, men først en random, semi-informativ bakgrunns-kommentar:
QuizmasterNr QuizmasterNr   Mon, 12 Nov 2018 09:45:43 GMT
Hey Bjorn, an Austrian Guy here. In the near of cities, we have sensors on our motorways, which measure the pollution. If there are enough cars, pollution is high and then you are only allowed to drive 100km/h. This is an automatic system. If you drive too fast, you will get high punishment for environmental pollution and speeding (costs you 100€ up). So our government wants to change this, so that ev´s can always drive 130km/h, because they dont pollute air that much (sure there is still wear from tires and so on, which also gets worse at higher speeds). But the normal speed on the motorways is still, for ev and icm cars 130. ;) I dont want to annoy you, but I thought, this would be nice to know for you.
Austria will raise speed limits for EVs
Published by Bjørn Nyland on Mon, 12 Nov 2018 09:36:32 GMT
Does it pay off to drive faster with an EV that is not a Tesla? Yes, absolutely. At least up until 120-130 km/h for most EVs. And for inefficient EVs, maybe 110-120 km/h. In this video I teach you how to calculate it.

Et aldri så lite pseudo-historisk sidespor hører jo med:  :laugh:
IMHO IMHO   Mon, 12 Nov 2018 11:21:52 GMT
Back in 1974 in the US, during the fuel crisis, we had national speed limit of 55, for the reason you mentioned about higher fuel consumption at higher speeds. So a EV incentive relaxing that even further makes sense, but only if it's using renewable energy. Unfortunately, after the fuel crises ended they shifted to "55 saves lives", then Sammy Hager had to writes a song in 1984 "I can't drive 55", and it was bumped back up to 65 on major freeways. So, I think some countries can de-incentivize ICE vehicles by making them drive slower, and only let EVs drive the maximum safe speed.

Hvem pokker er så denne Sammy Hagar?!  ??? (Svar:
Sammy Hagar - I Can't Drive 55
Published by SammyHagarVEVO on Wed, 03 Feb 2010 14:36:26 GMT Music video by Sammy Hagar performing I Can't Drive 55. (C) 1984 Geffen Records

Uansett, alt i alt, nok et godt regnestykke, level asian, av Bjørn. Helt til han kammer over på 8m23s ...  :laugh:
'13 Mjau


Sitat fra: elekTrond på tirsdag 13. november 2018, klokken 01:45
Hvem pokker er så denne Sammy Hagar?!  ??
Historieløs. Rockestjerne fra 80 tallet som overtok som vokalist i Van Halen etter David Lee Roth.
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