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Tesla powered think

Startet av motorulf, torsdag 27. september 2018, klokken 13:04

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One more thing...

Is there a "fast" firmware for gen1 PCUs, or is that only for GEN2?

I will be happy just to get this nugget moving again, for now, but i want to know my options  8)

Orla Pedersen

Great Work  :+1: and it proves that it can be done without to much trouble.
And it have kicked me back on track with my duinomite BMI-emulator project. Yesterday the duinomite sent it's first CAN-message, monitored with a national instruments device. First with no succes duo to a missing termination resistor in the bus, later with succes the initiation message H300.
Now I just have to do the rest  ;) the remaining messages, the electronic interface to the LEM-current messurement device, a sort of galvanic isolated voltage messurement, and whatever i have forgot..
Orla Pedersen


Sitat fra: motorulf på mandag 29. oktober 2018, klokken 20:19
One more thing...

Is there a "fast" firmware for gen1 PCUs, or is that only for GEN2?

I will be happy just to get this nugget moving again, for now, but i want to know my options  8)

There is a fast firmware for gen1.
nikometer? -


Sitat fra: BauDemo på tirsdag 30. oktober 2018, klokken 12:34
There is a fast firmware for gen1.

You mean the 'development' versions of the Gen1 ?
My personal EV collection:
- Audi A2 Electric
- Citroen Saxo Electrique 2-doors
- Vectrix VX1 (in different colors)
- CityEl Fact4
- MiniEl Targa/Cabrio/Basic: red, red
- Th!nk A266 PIV4 (also for sale)
- Th!nk A306 City (cars, parts, service)


Sitat fra: PRensel på tirsdag 30. oktober 2018, klokken 19:09
Sitat fra: BauDemo på tirsdag 30. oktober 2018, klokken 12:34
There is a fast firmware for gen1.

You mean the 'development' versions of the Gen1 ?

I wrote exactly what I meant.

You can see the performance of a Think running this firmware in the following video:

What is a "development" version? Who is calling it that?
Maybe you have a video to show?
nikometer? -


I have for example these files:

This is the "Development' version:

Only Development (Possible to change parameters)


And this is the 'Production' version:

Production (Unchangeable parameters)


Here's a bad quality video of pulling 60kW from my Think A266 with 196V Leaf battery and modded firmware :-)

My personal EV collection:
- Audi A2 Electric
- Citroen Saxo Electrique 2-doors
- Vectrix VX1 (in different colors)
- CityEl Fact4
- MiniEl Targa/Cabrio/Basic: red, red
- Th!nk A266 PIV4 (also for sale)
- Th!nk A306 City (cars, parts, service)


Sitat fra: PRensel på torsdag 01. november 2018, klokken 21:42
Here's a bad quality video of pulling 60kW from my Think A266 with 196V Leaf battery and modded firmware :-)

Ooh.  very interesting :)
What parameters did you change to get those numbers?

These seem relevant
30 ubat 
31 ibat
32 loss_tot
33 power_batt
34 power_out_mot
35 torque_mot
36 rpm_filt_2
38 kslip_hz
39 w_slip
40 omega_rot_ref         
41 del_omega_rot
42 omega_rot
43 rpm_meas
44 f_stat
51 lh
52 l_sig
53 l_sig_h
60 flux_ref_filt.det.scnd
61 flux_fb
67 int_ubat_min.det.scnd
68 int_ubat_max.det.scnd
69 int_ibat.det.scnd

These are my guesses of what they do, i haven't found enough references to these parameters...
30 = voltage from batt
31 = current from batt
32 = max voltage loss maybe?
33-36 are quite obvious
38 "For dyno_1 testing:  converts p_K_slip form Rad/S to Hz"
39 "Slip frequency in Hz for dyno_1 testing"
40 commanded rotational angle
41 difference between commanded and actual angle
42 actual angle
43 rpm...
44 static field something, i don't have a clue
51-51 something with currents...
60-61 field weakening maybe
67-69 max-min values of accepted actual voltage and current from battery

Some of these seems to be internal parameters, something you should not try to alter, and others seems to be settings that are changable.
But which is which?   :o


Update with no news...

My car is still on jack stands    :'( :'( :'( :'(
I am having trouble with current readings from the sensor into the "BMS".
As of now, i cannot trust the "BMS" so the battery remains on the floor.


Hello again!  I am back!

So i had some time to spend on my think. I now drives, powered from the tesla pack.
It charges with a brusa 513 charger.

I want to use the internal charger, which is a bit complicated i think.
Is there anybody that can record the CAN messages when they connect the charger and the car starts charging.
The end of charge would be great too but its harder to know when to record messages.

Also the car is a bit slow  :)
I would like to put the fast fw in, does anybody have it and can share it with me?


God ettermiddag alle sammen!
Jeg har en Think City-bil med Zebra-batteri.
Hjelp til å takle det, jeg har 2 feil på batteriet:
1.30210 "Systemfeil, defekt oppdaget"
2.30230 "Intern isolasjonsfeil"
Interessert i hvordan du fjerner feilen "Intern isolasjonsfeil"?


This is the SimpBMS correct ?
I need one to bring the car back to life.

Does anyone know what vehicle is compatible with the communication?

Is compatible with the Think city with Zebra ?

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