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Startet av x-bruker, tirsdag 19. juni 2018, klokken 10:54

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Unfortunately lack of capacity isn't even the main issue for most of the SC's in Norway (Kokstad is a very exreme case and has been going on for long time).

The real issue is the lack of parts and the time for these parts to get here. So it's important you include that in your Tweet! As this is the core issue!

When the SC's don't have the parts, they can't service or repair the cars.

Fact is, most of the problems will be resolved (except Kokstad) if Tesla can get their act together around logistics with parts and get them here in a fast and efficient way! So cars get fixed quickly and back into the hands of their customers.

As icing on the cake. The head of Tesla Service is now gone (good riddance), but now no one is leading this critical department at the moment!  :o

At the time, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that he would take over his responsibilities and that they wouldn't look for a replacement.

Since Elon is 110% focused on Model 3 production. I don't think we are going to see any improvement any time soon. Nuts! :(
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017


Jeg erfarer at følgefeil av SC i Oslo som det største problemet. Hvis jeg aldri hadde vært innom et SC, tror jeg faktisk min Tesla hadde vært feilfri... ::)
P85D (+)
Roadster Signature 250 Sport
P85 RIP 19.11.2013 - 9.8.2014

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