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Levering i juli 2018 (estimert)

Startet av GeirHM, onsdag 18. april 2018, klokken 14:54

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Gled deg GeirHM. Tittet på de fleste x som skulle leveres ut samtidig med min. Hovedinntrykket er at bilene ser bedre ut mtp. gap og lign. Falkevingdørene tror jeg dessverre er litt frem og tilbake fortsatt..

Bilen er fantastisk å kjøre.

Erfaringstråd er startet :)


Hei folkens. Siden det er flere her som snart skal hente bilene sine tenkte jeg å dele en sjekkliste jeg fant på internet. For meg vil den være veiledende.

Tesla Model X


Delivery Checklist

1. Basic

Make sure VIN matches paperworkFront and rear floor mats'Tesla' license plate frame (check the trunk if you can't find it)Front license plate mount (check the trunk if you can't find it; see the 'other things to do' section below for alternate mounting solutions)Universal Mobile Connector (UMC) cable with standard adapters and carry bagCheck for Type 2 cable (vehicles ordered after April 2017)Cover for well in trunk (see problems, below)/privacy parcel coverLatest software versionBadge on the rear of the car 2 key fobs, Ask for key fob holder/chainKeys should come with a tool to replace 12v battery

2. Optional Items 

Check installed options against purchased optionsWheels (piggfrie vinterdekk på, sommerdekk som tillegg)Interior/headliner colorAutopilotGummimatterCHADEMOTire Repair kit

3. Potential delivery problems reported on TM forums

Air conditioning not workingDirt under clear coatScratches or dirt/smears in paint/interiorUnderside damage from loading/unloadingWheel scrapesSprayed headlinerTire scrapes (sidewall damaged)Check that the in-car displays on the instrument cluster and 17" show the correct vehicle color and options. TM can update these remotely.Spotify username/passwordCheck trim plate around fixed spoiler mounts. Should be flush with glass.Black, sticky 'goop' on the windows. Been reported by a couple of users. The felt seal may have come free and the glue/sealant is sticking to the window.Misaligned hood or trunk lid. Service can usually adjust this without issues.Poor radio reception (antenna was grounded to painted metal)Check wheel arch liners/mudguards to make sure they extend all the way to the side and there are no gaps.Misaligned door handles - chrome between front and rear door handles should be exactly even when closedCondensation in the rear lights/reflectors

4. Things that might be problematic - make sure they work

Mobile Connector latches and unlatches without problems
Make sure you push the cable in.Charge Port Cover opens consistently (remember the sensor for the MC button transmitter is in the tailgate edge about 18" above and to the left of the charge port, not in the charge port itself)Check mobile charger, make sure it works (bad chargers / cables have been reported)faceVerify that car charges properly from AC connection AND Supercharger at Svc CtrSmartphone syncing - (most people have been able to get most phones to work, even clamshell phones. If you are unable to pair, it could bea Bluetooth problem. Let Tesla Service know.)CRITICAL - Open the front door and check if there is a gap between the small and large window. The larger window should be resting on the rubber seal next to the small window. If there is a gap, even if it tightens when the door closes, you will have wind noise at highway speeds.Check the glass alignments when the doors and windows are closed. Is the wind going to flow across the glass surface? The top inch is on the outside (actually pocketed) of the glass, but the rest of the rubber should be under the glass.Check if the area behind the front door is painted (the part right below the side mirrors facing the frunk).Check USB ports all work.Tire Pressures too high. Check the label on the driver B pillar to get the right pressure for your car.All doors close properly (door misalignment reported)Doors open properly (presentation, handle touch, fob press, phone app) without squeaking or "groaning" at beginning or end.Doors unlock with fob in range and auto lock when key fob out of rangeWindows don't auto close the last inch when closing the doorA few users have reported problems with the map lights. These are activated by touch screen - make sure they come on and off. Make sure the touch sensor for other cabin lights works.A small number of issues have been reported with the glove box sticking.Double check all wheels for edge damage.Check hidden paint edges at the B pillars for paint chips next to the roof glass.Check for Parcel Shelf In trunkTrunk footwell coverMake sure gaskets around FWDs and rear hatch have the channel for water runoff and haven't been flattened by the factory.Check that heated seats, steering wheel, and wipers work.Open fuse box and ensure there are no loose fuses.Check from the trunk that the bottom of the rear seat carpet back is flat against the carpet and not sticking up. Pull trunk load floor firmly towards the rear of the vehicle to increase the gap.Check the rear headrests for scratches on the plastic back while the headrest is down before seat lowering.Check the 2nd row seat posts for scratches and carpet alignment at the base.Check windshield in direct sunlight for any sparkles caused by sand hitting the windshield during transport.Check paint carefully for specks of clear coat that may affect the application of clear bra wrap. More frequent on horizontal surfaces (hood).Check top center roof glass outside for excessive height differences or bending.Check rear hatch when closed for equal sized gaps on both sides. Now, check the tail light gaps if they are of similar spacing on each side.Check under outside rearview mirrors for excessive clear glue.Check at the right and left bottom corner of the windshield for loose plastic trim that has pulled away from painted B pillar.Check all seat and console stitching, some reports of sew holes without thread.




Jeg oppfatter ikke Tesla som så urimelig at man må sjekke hele den lista der for å få noe gjort, hvis noe viser seg å være feil.

Hadde noe feil hjulstilling da jeg fikk Sen min. Det oppdaget jeg noen dager senere og de ordnet det uten spørsmål.

Det meste av dette er uansett dekket av reklamasjon. Nyt heller øyeblikket enn å sjekke VIN numre  :o


Stor takk til Nasatech/Lasse for beskjed om fint og rundt og helt flunka nytt reg nummer i EK97-serien! Gleder oss til tirsdag!


Jeg har fått utsatt utlevering fra den 26 til den 28.  :o Delivery sier det skyldes "en oppdatering" som ikke er gjort og som må gjøres. Forsikringer om at det ikke handler om transportskader. "Da ville utsettelsen tatt lengre tid". Og det høres jo rimelig ut.

Noen andre?


Sitat fra: GeirHM på mandag 25. juni 2018, klokken 15:59
Jeg har fått utsatt utlevering fra den 26 til den 28.  :o Delivery sier det skyldes "en oppdatering" som ikke er gjort og som må gjøres. Forsikringer om at det ikke handler om transportskader. "Da ville utsettelsen tatt lengre tid". Og det høres jo rimelig ut.

Noen andre?

Geir, hadde vi utlevering samme dag (i morgen)?
Jeg har ikke fått utsettelse, enda.


Ja, familien var samla for dette kl fire i morgen......


Sitat fra: GeirHM på mandag 25. juni 2018, klokken 16:06
Ja, familien var samla for dette kl fire i morgen......

Da ringer det vel i min telefon også snart med utsettelse....


Det er bra med registreringer for tiden. Ser ut som vi går over juni 2017.


Jeg har heldigvis ikke hørt noe. Håper heller ikke jeg får en telefon, da jeg allerede har kjøpt bussbillett fra Fredrikstad.  Hvilken bil venter dere på dere som har fått utsettelse? Jeg har en Model S.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk


Jeg venter en x. Dette behøver ikke være smittsomt!


Har ikke hørt noe fra Tesla om utsettelse i dag. Forventer at utlevering skjer til avtalt tid i morgen. Sender ut erfaringsinnlegg utover dagen.


En viktig sak som de fleste sikkert kjenner til: Pass på at du har Tesla-app'en installert på telefonen før overtakelsen og påse at bilen kobles til app før du drar fra Tesla. Sikkert standard prosedyre, men likevel. Jeg styrer alt rundt lading og temperatur med den.

Da jeg solgte min S tok det svært lang tid før Tesla fikk overført bilen til ny eier. Det er heller ikke bra av personvernhensyn.

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