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Beste mulighet for leasing av Tesla

Startet av MarteJenta, mandag 11. desember 2017, klokken 12:32

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Hei! Jeg ønsker meg veldig sårt en Tesla, men jeg har ikke økonomi til å kjøpe en ny en for øyeblikket. Men prisene på leasing av Tesla virker ekstremt høye i forhold til leasing av alle andre biler. Er det noen som vet hvordan man best kan lease en Tesla, eller om det er noen avtaler der ute som er mer gunstige enn andre?


I don't see how Leasing could make it any easier if you don't have the Economy for it?
You pretty much end up paying just as much (if not more) each month, as taking up a car loan.

That's why I never bothered leasing a car privately! Unless you know you going to have a new car every 3 years, then there might be some incentive to leasing. But you better well have the economy for it!
In any other case, private leasing has never been attractive in my opinion.

Especially now Tesla is running that interest campaign again. Have you looked into that?

PS. And if you are unable to get such a huge car loan (nothing to be ashamed of, as it's a very expensive car!), then it would be strange you are able to lease it? As they should be doing the exact same credit check. You still need to be able to pay each month.

PS2. If you really want a Tesla, why immediately go for the most expensive Model S or X? Why not put in a pre-order for the Model 3? I know it's a bit of a wait, but it's almost half the price of a Model S!

And if you cannot wait, why not try look for a 2nd hand Model S? You should be able to find one for around 400k-450k NOK these days.
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017


I just wanted to create this extra answer and it's not directed directly at you, but a general opinion of mine.

In all honesty, I would never ever take up a 100% loan on a new car. Especially not in this price range and if it's stretching your budget to the very limit, since it's a huge risk!

Cars in general deprecate rapidly in value the first 3 years, so with a 100% car loan (unless you have a very good economy and pay off the loan in 5 to 7 years) if you suddenly end up in economic trouble (out of a job, economic recession, long term sick, etc) and you suddenly have to sell the car, you will be left with a huge rest loan for years you need to pay off without owning anything!

It's then much better to either look for a cheaper alternative that doesn't stretch your budget to the limit or a 2nd hand car that has already gone through the worst deprecation period.

Just my 2 cents.
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017


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