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TPMS - tire pressure monitoring system

Startet av donieq, onsdag 11. januar 2017, klokken 03:50

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Hi guys

I have problem with that system for few weeks,  but pressure in tires is correct. 

Yellow light is blinking,  and what i found in manual,  that means it is error or one of sensors is broken.

What is my options now?  is there something i can go to kia and the fix for me as car is on guaranty?  or i must go to vulcanization?

is there any option to restart this system?

Thanks for any help.


Hi. If the TPMS sensors were delivered with the car you should ask Kia to fix it on the car warranty. If you bought the tyres and TPMS sensors elsewhere you should contact the store which you bought them. Either way you should be covered.

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