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Winter range test Think City vs Nissan Leaf

Startet av BauDemo, tirsdag 24. februar 2015, klokken 10:00

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A friend of mine and I did a winter driving test to see which car would take us longer the Think City or the Nissan Leaf.
See the image for the results.

More details here:

What do you think?
nikometer? -


I haven't read the article, but if the Zebra Think has less than 20% left after 80 km it is either very steepy/hilly, or the right foot is too heavy on the accelerator? No problem driving mine with heater on 120 km down to zero ie approx 100 km to 20%.
2011 Think 4-seter med Lithium (ex Zebra), ESP, a/c og PTC varme
E-twow Booster 2S sparkesykkel
ex 2003 Kewet 5
ex 2020 Vespa Elettrica L3 (70 km/t)
ex Go Motorboard sparkesykkel


Sitat fra: mohpet på torsdag 26. februar 2015, klokken 17:54
I haven't read the article, but if the Zebra Think has less than 20% left after 80 km it is either very steepy/hilly, or the right foot is too heavy on the accelerator? No problem driving mine with heater on 120 km down to zero ie approx 100 km to 20%.
In Sweden we have 110km/h speed limit on the motorways. In Norway it is 90km/h. Your Zebra Think is maybe running an older firmware...
Making conclusions about mine and my friends right foot without reading the article is a bit ... hm... can't find the word now... but thanks for the feedback...

nikometer? -


2011 Think 4-seter med Lithium (ex Zebra), ESP, a/c og PTC varme
E-twow Booster 2S sparkesykkel
ex 2003 Kewet 5
ex 2020 Vespa Elettrica L3 (70 km/t)
ex Go Motorboard sparkesykkel


I would bet for the Think in summer test. The 4kw heater is a battery killer...


Sitat fra: jim3cantos på onsdag 01. april 2015, klokken 20:47
I would bet for the Think in summer test. The 4kw heater is a battery killer...

summer test:

real winner at the end?

"the Think runs with the newest firmware and hides 15% of the battery capacity which means that one could drive to 0% without any negative impact on the NaCl (Zebra) battery longevity."

Have anyone tried to run to %0 to see when the car stops. I have done 3-4km with "fuel" lamp flashing but didn't dare to continue. I would like to know the limit...

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