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Meldinger - Damir

Sitat fra: VWspirit på søndag 07. februar 2021, klokken 20:57
Depends on the pcu. If it's gen 2 then it's almost plug and play. You only need to change the high voltage cabe.

How to find out?
The car is 2010.
Sitat fra: VWspirit på tirsdag 02. februar 2021, klokken 18:56
You'r zebra battery is death.... only fix is replasement battery.
Build a new one from a leaf-battery

What would I need in order to make the Th!nk work with the Leaf battery?
Same question if I stumble upon a Li-Ion battery.
"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Sv: Think Li-batteri
torsdag 04. februar 2021, klokken 21:23
Same question.

Samme spørsmål.
Sitat fra: worry på tirsdag 02. februar 2021, klokken 08:29
Sorry, but this forum have been rather quiet lately. I'm not able to help, but did you try the FB forum The Think-Tank?

Yeah, I'm a following that page.
Guess I'll find some answers there, thanks.

Sitat fra: VWspirit på tirsdag 02. februar 2021, klokken 18:56
You'r zebra battery is death.... only fix is replasement battery.
Build a new one from a leaf-battery

That's what I was afraid of.

I have just bought a Th!nk City 2010 car with a Zebra battery.
The previous owner stated that the car won't take charge.
The car hasn't been charged for, at least, a year.

First thing I tried is to charge the 12V battery for a couple of days. Everything worked as supposed to (lights, horn, mirrors, radio, wipers etc.), however the "power limit" was blinking and the red triangle was lit all the time. When I plugged in the original charger, the external power supply indicator on top of the dashboard (the right one) lit up and the left one was blinking. The "car link" diod on the charger was blinking. The red triangle on the dashboard remained lit. No other warning lamp is lit.

I have bought a brand new Varta B18 12V battery and replaced it. The symptoms remained the same as with the old battery. I have connected a multimeter to a 12V socket and it shows 12.0V. When I turn the lights on and the fan to the maximum (nothing else), it shows 11.6V. When I connect the car to a charger, it says 12.5V. When I turn the ignition key, the charge level gauge slowly raise to 35%.

I have no PCAN device, so at the moment I am not able to provide with more information.
Can you recommend a cheap one I could get, perhaps somewhere online?
Or I could borrow one from the local mechanics.

I am located in Serbia, unfortunately we don't have EV mechanics yet anywhere around.

Any of your help will be much appreciated.

Tidlige elbiler: Think / Sv: Th!nk CoC (Certificate of Conformity)
onsdag 02. desember 2020, klokken 16:47
Thank you both.

I contacted two companies in Serbia and they provided with certificates needed.
Tidlige elbiler: Think / Sv: Th!nk CoC (Certificate of Conformity)
fredag 27. november 2020, klokken 12:32
Thank you very much for your help.

I already have the COC document, however it is issued by an Austrian company. The customs are asking for the official certificate issued by a manufacturer in Norway.

The CE letters that you are referring to (UN ECE R101) seems to be an EU-approved carbon dioxide emission rating.

I'm still not sure how to obtain this document from a factory that has stopped working for almost a decade.

EDIT: The document I have is for my vehicle and contains all the data, including the VIN number, however it is extracted from a database and not the official one.
Tidlige elbiler: Think / Th!nk CoC (Certificate of Conformity)
onsdag 18. november 2020, klokken 14:57

I would like to import a Th!nk City (2010) car to Serbia from Austria.
The customs are looking for a CoC (Certificate of Conformity) document.

Is there a way to download it or get it from the manufacturer?
Maybe some user of this forum could supply me with it?

Thank you,


Google translate:


Jeg vil gjerne importere en Th! Nk City (2010) bil til Serbia fra Østerrike.
Tollvesenet leter etter et CoC-dokument (Certificate of Conformity).

Er det en måte å laste den ned eller få fra produsenten?
Kanskje noen brukere av dette forumet kunne forsyne meg med det?

Takk skal du ha,
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