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Meldinger - Trovi

First, sorry for English, I can read Norwegian, but I'm still bad in writing...  :-[

I have now realized that last Friday 18.9., there was change in the Enyaq price list in the "Prislister og Brosjyrer" section on the Skoda webpage.
The Enyaq dedicated webpage still have the previous price list.
By quick comparison I have found just one change in the optional equipment and relevant price drop for it.
The "Parkeringspakke pluss" for 9500,- is now changed to "Parkeringspakke pluss Intro" and cost now 3800,- (for 80/80x).

The difference is that the parking assistant is now dropped from the package (and hence completely from the optional accessories.)

Just for info:
The very first version of the Enyaq price list from 3.9. (lunch-time) had:
Parkeringspakke pluss - Parkeringsensorer foran, ryggekamera med area view, smart parkeringsassistent og remote parking
Code was PPB.

The second rev. of the Enyaq price list from 3.9. (night-time) had:
Parkeringspakke pluss - Parkeringsensorer foran, ryggekamera med area view og parkeringsassistent
Code was still PPB

Current pricelist from 18.9. has:
Parkeringspakke pluss Intro - Parkeringsensorer foran, ryggekamera med area view
Code changed to PPC.

I'm not very happy about the development.
I was hoping that the car will be equipped with all necessary sensors / hardware for the remote parking and other promised parking possibilities, so only software update will be needed.
However, with the resent price reduction for the package and calling it "intro", it looks like that it is not the case... :-/

I still have no access to the Enyaq configurator, but can anyone with the access confirm, if this change is reflected there as well?


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