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Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Moment på hjulbolter?
tirsdag 19. oktober 2021, klokken 21:17
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Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Kjipe chips og ventesukk...
tirsdag 19. oktober 2021, klokken 08:52
Skoda yesterday stopped completely production in Mlada Boleslav (Factory where Enyaq is made as well) for 2 weeks now. They have ~45t unfinished cars due to the missing chips. They are planning to complete 10t of them during this 2 weeks. Continuation of production or prolongation of the stop, will be evaluated on weekly basis, based on the actual deliveries of the chips. They mainly lacking parts for back windows operation. (Info from Czech newspapers).
Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Kjipe chips og ventesukk...
fredag 08. oktober 2021, klokken 09:39
Unfortunately, Skoda yesterday reported that from Monday 18th of October, they will need to dramatically reduce or even shutdown production till end of the year in all 3 factories in CZ. They will be focusing on finishing of the already prepared, but unfinished cars, which they have ~50t in stock.
Sitat fra: monsenroger på torsdag 02. september 2021, klokken 10:56
"Det vi opplever etter at bilene er ferdig i produksjon, så blir de satt på lager i påvente av montering av disse chipene som det er mangel på."

Ikke fått noe svar fra selger hvor lang tid dette kunne ta.

That can be another couple of weeks. As of now, Skoda has more than 50t unfinished cars, due to the lack of chips. Completion of such cars is done in the field / at the storage facility.
Hope you will have it soon!
This looks like more "permanent" option than the net, but it didn't block the ski-hatch...
Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Lengde på ladekabel
onsdag 26. mai 2021, klokken 19:09
Both cables (MODE2 and MODE3) are ~6m long.
Skoda ENYAQ / Enyaq Rescue data sheet
tirsdag 25. mai 2021, klokken 12:40
Enyaq Rescue data sheet, it may be helpful for someone:

However, the overall guidebook for rescuers is not updated yet with the Enyaq data.
Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: WiFi og hotspot
lørdag 01. mai 2021, klokken 06:53

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Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Enyaq i media / Nyheter om Enyaq
fredag 23. april 2021, klokken 12:55
First happy customers are receiving Enyaq.


There are already registered 195pcs of 80 model in Norway and 4pcs of model 60...
Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Sportline
torsdag 08. april 2021, klokken 15:18
Sitat fra: Lø på onsdag 07. april 2021, klokken 19:42
Adaptivt understell DCC (ikke sportsunderstell)
Kan det bety at hvis man velger DCC på sportline har den ikke det senkede sportsunderstellet?

I'm not sure about the ground clearance of the sport version, but the iv80 with DCC has 170mm, standard ground clearance (without DCC) is 186mm.
Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Prøvekjøring av Škoda Enyaq
torsdag 08. april 2021, klokken 14:33
Sitat fra: Kafk4 på torsdag 08. april 2021, klokken 11:37
Ladehastighet økes til 170kW i høst skrev en ansatt fra Škoda-fabrikken på Facebook.

Yes, correct, that is one of the two (so far) announced planned updates for this autumn.
The other is improved battery management for wither conditions.
(the Skoda's internal winter tests shows that it is needed. Maybe that's why they waited with press & test drives for better weather, so the initial reviews are not complaining about low range...)
Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Prøvekjøring av Škoda Enyaq
torsdag 08. april 2021, klokken 13:50
Sitat fra: Bilectric på onsdag 07. april 2021, klokken 14:23
Produksjon av CF begynner i uke 30 ifølge kommunikasjonssjef for Skoda hos Møller, ifølge oppslag i bladet Motor 26. mars.

Yes, but... ref. to the info from my dealer:
"I'm not sure why mr. Moum have said week 30 there, because the big scale production of Lyspakke Pluss is not until week 36. There will be some cars produced from week 30, but that are a very limited amount of cars. That's why we have communicated week 36 earlier."
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