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Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Regenerering for Dummies ...
fredag 22. april 2022, klokken 15:32
Sitat fra: Sverre_E på torsdag 21. april 2022, klokken 11:29
Sitat fra: Trovi på onsdag 20. april 2022, klokken 12:03
Drifting is the most economical driving, unfortunately it is not always possible 😊.

Are you sure?
Guess you meant coasting  ;)

Yep, correct. :-) Coasting is better word to express what I meant. :-)
Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Regenerering for Dummies ...
onsdag 20. april 2022, klokken 12:03
It depends on where you are driving. Middle of the city has different needs than diving out of the city or driving  with less traffic.
Drifting is the most economical driving, unfortunately it is not always possible 😊. So I prefer to drive on D, rather than on B mode. With every acceleration or breaking you are loosing potential range (even with recuperation during braking, you just loosing a little bit less).
Personally, I have found the automatic recuperation mode in Enyaq as very good option. You will need to get use to it as it breaks / slow down the car for you automatically depending on the road (turns, crossings, etc). You can just slightly use more power to overdrive the braking if not needed at the moment, etc.) With combination of use of the recuperation paddles under steering wheel you can drive without use of braking pedal in most situations, i.e. if you are not in column of cars / middle of the city, etc. I'm using the recuperation paddles instead of break pedal – where possible and safe to use them. The car will return to auto recuperation mode when power pedal is used.
A few days ago I have been driving with fully loaded car from Sørskår to Bergen with consumption 15,5kWh/100km. I was very pleased with that, especially with comparison to a winter consumption... 😊

I'm using the B mode in city center where lot of stops or breaking is needed.
Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Kjipe chips og ventesukk...
onsdag 06. april 2022, klokken 12:29
Just for info based on my experience. When the car is unloaded in Oslo, it does not go directly to your dealer.
The car goes trough some technical preparation (whatever that is) in Oslo prior it is sent further. The preparation is scheduled and your dealer should know the date for it. In my case, the car was waiting for that in Oslo for 1 week.
Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Kjipe chips og ventesukk...
tirsdag 29. mars 2022, klokken 10:26
Sitat fra: Rusalka på mandag 28. mars 2022, klokken 13:19
Da er endelig bilen på toget mot Bremerhaven !!!  :) (iv80x m 360!, kontrakt 13.okt 2020)

Noen som har erfaring med hvor lenge ca før den kan utleveres?

For mine, it took 7weeks from the factory shipping date to delivery to me.
Hope you will be more lucky! :-)
Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Crystal Face
tirsdag 29. mars 2022, klokken 10:14
Sitat fra: Ragged_Glory på tirsdag 29. mars 2022, klokken 09:07
Har disse blitt levert til kunder ennå? Har ikke sett dem på veien, men så en som ble levert i Stavanger-området i dag.

Yes, a few of them can be seen in Bergen area from approx. mid of January.
I got mine finally ~2 month ago and I love the look.  I do not regret that I had to wait a little longer due to the CF.
Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Kjipe chips og ventesukk...
onsdag 09. mars 2022, klokken 14:08
Sitat fra: Bigdrago på onsdag 09. mars 2022, klokken 10:07
Bestilte okt 2020 og får aldri info hvor den ligger hvor den ligger i løypa. Fikk vite i desember at bilen var låst og at man ikke kunne gjøre forandringer.

If I remember correctly, I have been told that the spec. of the car is locked ~4 weeks prior it goes to production. So, maybe your car is already produced by now and waiting for some missing parts. Check it with your dealer. I know you mentioned it before that they are not really communicating with you, but try your luck...
Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Crystal Face
søndag 06. februar 2022, klokken 03:01
It is only cosmetic.
Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: iV80 dårlig vinterrekkevidde
søndag 30. januar 2022, klokken 17:42
Sitat fra: turfsurf på søndag 30. januar 2022, klokken 13:04
Sitat fra: SolEL på søndag 30. januar 2022, klokken 13:00
Angående den danske
testen jeg la inn så er vel klima anlegget stilt for høyt med 22 grader. 20 holder vel i massevis
Det er vel veldig personlig. VW har i alle år sagt at 22 grader er anbefalt temperatur.

It depends on outside temperature. Generally, in winter, lower temperature set in car has lower consumption. In summer it is vice versa, the higher temp. inside has lower consumption.

You can play with that in the Skoda's range estimator.
Btw, as per the estimator, the 80iV did as expected in the NAF test (if they were driving in normal mode and 21deg. C - which I'm not sure...)
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Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: iV80 dårlig vinterrekkevidde
onsdag 26. januar 2022, klokken 20:39
Oh, is it? The cars has been switched? That makes more sense now... :-)
Skoda ENYAQ / iV80 dårlig vinterrekkevidde
onsdag 26. januar 2022, klokken 19:23
Unfortunately, in the new NAF winter test range the Enyaq iV80 finished as worst in comparison to WLPT range.
The used iV80 model had WLTP 509km, but in reality did only 347km, which is 31,83% less.
Which is the largest difference from all cars in the rest.

Surprising is the much better range of the iv80X compared to the iv80.
The used iV80X model had WLTP 477km and in the test did 403km, which is only 15,15% less.

That sounds somehow fishy...  Would be interesting to know if the tested models had same tire size and SW version.

I know about the high consumption on the short trips, but I was hoping that the iV80 will perform better in the longer trip / test, then it did... :-/

Ref. to:
Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Kjipe chips og ventesukk...
lørdag 22. januar 2022, klokken 22:20
"We estimate that we will shut down 2.5 thousand cars by the end of January. The Achilles heel is the control unit of the parking equipment for Enyaq electric cars, which we are now shutting down a lot, more than we would like, "says Jaroslav Povšík, Chairman of the Škoda Auto Corporate Council.
Sitat fra: oiqbal på torsdag 13. januar 2022, klokken 16:01
Oversikt over endringer fra 02/2022!

Thanks, nice overview.

Above the changes listed in that document, as per the user manual for 1/2022 there will be cars with:
- option for ventilated seats
- option for smaller (10") infotainment (probably for the cheaper versions IV 50/60 ?)
- user profiles (different settings for more users)
- More advanced parking assistant with self-parking
- Additional box in the armrest compartment
- Slightly larger area for mobile on the charging pad
and probably more...

Forgot to mention the optional Canton sound system.
It will have 12 speakers in total.
11 high-performance speakers, where 8 of them will be in the side doors, 2 in the A-pillar,  1 centrally located in the dashboard and subwoofer in the trunk.

Sitat fra: esas på fredag 14. januar 2022, klokken 11:24
Bortsett fra 12V batteri bør vel alt dette være mulig å få gjennom softwareoppdatering dersom Skoda ønsker det... Blir spennende å se..

For the line self-changing mode is needed to have the advanced parking package, so here it looks like you will need some additional hardware, like the parking sensors on the sides, with are not present on current model.

Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Kjipe chips og ventesukk...
fredag 14. januar 2022, klokken 11:19
Sitat fra: Bigdrago på fredag 14. januar 2022, klokken 09:19
Du har svart deg selv. Om prisen økes med mer enn 6% kan du trekke deg.
Om staten vil ha moms går dette utenom.

Actually, he didn't, did he? My Norwegian is not good (to put it mildly :-)), but there is the condition, that right of withdrawal due to the price increase above 6% is not valid, if the delivery time is longer than 6 months.
Or do I understand it incorrectly?
Ref. to: "Ved prisøkninger som overstiger 6% av avtalt kjøpesum, har kjøper rett til å heve kjøpet. Dette gjelder ikke dersom bilen er bestilt med særskilte spesifikasjoner fra fabrikk, karosseribe-drift eller verksted, eller dersom avtalt leveringstid er mer enn 6 måneder fra kontraktsdato."

Skoda ENYAQ / Sv: Softwaretråden
fredag 31. desember 2021, klokken 09:11
Sitat fra: Zubzero på torsdag 30. desember 2021, klokken 13:04
Vil noe så enkelt som denne funke?

I don't think too that it is Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), i.e. Bluetooth version 4 and up.
Seem as well similar to one of the "not to buy" OBDII adapter listed on the CarScanner web.

I have OBDLink LX, but that is unfortunately not BLE, so I have ordered OBDLink CX.

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