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Meldinger - pexic

The opening in the chasis  is already there, in fact there are two openings the one used by me (in the middle) and a larger one in the right. Beside that in the front right passager side.
The two back openings are vertical and if you install the cooler like I did you don't neet to cut the chasis.
I"ll upload a picture soon.

have fun.

update:  computer cooler added:
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cooler info : 12V / 150mA - connected to +12V power bar of one RLEC.
Air filter added in the car compartment (under the floor, behind the seats)

scope :
-ventilate the air inside the battery for better cooling of RLEC modules
-ventilate the air inside the battery for eliminating the water accumulation during condensation.
-create air pressure inside the battery so moisture will not enter even if there are small air gaps around the battery case.
-heating the battery during winter (webasto unit will be mounted in the same empty box as the battery air filter :
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have fun!
Hi, I know a guy who sell defective and incomplete Think cars (he has approx 8 cars) in Austria, give me one day to reach him and I'll be back with contact info and details.

Have a nice day

L.E.  you have one new private message, good luck !
Hi Glenn

An old guy from Riga / Latvia try to rebuild one zebra battery (from 3 defective batteries)
He sent me a lot of pictures taken during this process. Please send me your e-mail so I can FW you the pictures. The archive has 5.6MB and this forum does not allow me to upload it (even if it sais : max individuell størrelse 9528KB)


I dare to add here my idea related to this subject since I see little movement in the past year :)
I want to build an RLEC simulator (so to keep the actual working MLEC board to do his job).
The Rlec simulator will clone all 16 Rlec boards using an arduino + canbus shield boards.
I'm begginer on the Arduino field but I'm not afraid to work&learn.

What I want to do exactly :
-This Arduino + canbus shield boards ( let's call them Rleclone  :) )  must feed the MLEC board with necessary info : voltage of cells, voltage of packs, temps and ...anything else or that's it ?
-Separate and stand-alone bms for the cells.

For this I've started to study the CAN comunication between MLEC and 16xRlec boards.
As far I read only some info are useful for MLEC , not all ( for example only "filtered" voltages )
so it should not be so complicated...
I will use Rleclone to measure one single pack voltage (44volts average) and send this value to MLEC for all 16 packs.
Meaning that all 16 packs will have the same pack voltage (and cells voltages) in the eyes of MLEC board.
For "filtered" cells voltage I will simply divide the pack voltage by 12 in the software :)
Same idea for temperatures.
I can do that since the future stand-alone BMS will work continuosly to keep all cells voltages egual.

Thanks in advance for your feedback & help.
Hello friends

I was looking for cells balancers and I found a nice one (at first look) :
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I've contacted the chinese supplier and he sent me this "manual": 
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The price seems resonable (75 eur without the metal box)
Other advantages:
-Balancing is made non-stop till the cells have same voltage (so better than Top balance, Bottom balance)
-Can be used with almost all type of cell (cell nominal voltage must be in 1...5V range). So can be reused in case of changing the battery cells ;)
-It also has an ios & android app which display all cells voltages and let the user choose some variables (such as the balance current - max 1A for this model)
On short this ballancer moves "energy" from high voltage cells to low voltage cells all the time by charging and discharging one capacitor (or few). This is very good for EV applications since it will give you the maximum range possible (according to your cells).

Overall I think it deserve a chance for testing so I've ordered two (24 cells  = the cells number is one enerdel pack, I intend to use one module for one grey enerdel box).

have fun!
The cell balancing is in progress, now the CV delta (diff between the lowest and highest voltage cell) is 0.12V.
The range seems more "normal now".
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Hi BauDemo, are my pictures ok or I need to make more ? Thanks.
Thank you.
So one more thing on to do list:
-Nikometer   :+1:
Hello friends
First test was done today, mostly on highway.
Average speed = 70Km/h.
Max speed 100Km/h
Distance 62,2Km

At the end of test SOC-meter shows 60% battery left.
After key removed -> 1 minute pause -> key=run  - SOC-meter = 34% battery left.
Comtool connected -> 34% SOC
minim V cell = 3,41V , max V cell =3,7V

Something is wrong here ...any ideas ?

In rest - no problem whatsoever, perfect car behaviour - the motor sound was almost identical to subway trains sound.
What I have found in China with shipping cost and EU import tax included :
105Ah Lifepo4 cell = 65 usd($), so approx 195$/Kwh (175 eur/Kwh).
Shipped by sea (60 days).

FYI: shipped by air (15 days) it will be + 15...20%
@BauDemo - please send me your mail address, the pictures have 65MB. Thank you.
It is not a favor! you are my best friend BauDemo!  :-*    I'll do that tomorrow.
Also I can ask one of my former work colleague to do that for you but it will last few weeks I think - let me know.

Meanwhile I've compared the advantages/dissadvantages of LTO versus Lifepo4 cells  - that I intend to implement on my Think in the future.
It seems that Lifepo4 is more convenient due the higher energy density and much lower (half) price comparing to LTO.
The only big dissadvantage is : cannot be charged under 0 celsius. (which can be a problem in northen countries but here in the Balcans we only have one month with such low temps due to the global warming)
I think I can fit at least 32Kwh Lifepo4 cells inside but I'll be back with final calculations soon.
Also tomorrow I can start measure the real range of my car and I'll keep you posted.
See you tomorrow!

Viorel V.
Hi friends

As I expected, the ABS error is gone now, after few meters of driving.
The car is driving well, the power steering is not very performant for city driving (it's not very easy to turn the wheel while standing).
Now I have to put back the old battery for car inspection so Romanian car papers could be issued.

Viorel V.
Hi Frederic

Many people calling this as "AMP super-seal" connector :

Don't know the "official" name.

But, if it's hard for you to find one, you have a second solution :
just cut the wires from this connector and replace it with a standard female COM (serial) connector ;)
I said "female" because almost all serial to usb adapters have "male" serial connector.

Viorel V.
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