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Meldinger - pexic

Ok, so :
my car charge the battery to 161v  (normal charge)
my car will not start (system failure) if HV is over 151v.

I've had read all 51 pages of this sub-topic :)

In the light of these "new" data and to keep the conversion costs at minimum I've decided to go for 36s lithium configuration (3 x enerdel blocks).
This will help me a lot since the blocks are already assambled, they also have the plug for the future "active bms" and temp monitoring.

next step is to limit/stop the charging at 36x4=144v (max 4v/cell for long life), I think i can do this eitrher by:
-small device monitoring HV and at 144v this device will disconnect the "under the driver seat -service conntact" or
-the above device will change the original battery temp. sensor(s) value so the BMS will think that battery is too hot.
I'm open to other suggestions :)

Regarding the non-stop relay clicks I found a topic on this forum - no solution and also someone said this is "normal". Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance for your answers.
-220kg now, during tests,  I only have 36s1p (35Ah), at thye end the battery box will be full (approx 20kwh)
All ok,  those -220kg and higher voltage (140v) make the difference  ;)
I'll keep you all posted, have fun!
Ok, f*** the relays, I drove 3 meters, seems ok  :) now I'll go out on the street, if I'll not post here in the next 30 min. please cal 112! thanks.
Hi Caspar, I have to keep the original charger for now, at least for the tests, in the future will be replaced and also I'll have a DC plug for direct solar panels charging.
No BMS during tests also, I don't want to start more mini-tasks in parallel, BMS will be my last concern, the cells are very well balanced for now.
I need to fix the non-stop relays clicks so I can move on  ;D
Hello friends!

Thanks to Catalin and Tiek now I have a new project : to convert my new (1999) think piv4 to enerdel lithium.

First of all I have replaced the lead-acid battery with a home-made Lifepo4 one using some old 10Ah chinesse cells.

I have removed the NiCd stuff (batteries and pipes), now the battery box is empty.
Since I also plan to add a webasto I've decided to use the hidden compartment (see pictures) so I start cutting 2 big holes behing the seats.
I will use these holes perform tests on lithium conversion in order to keep the battery box in his place since, at least for me, It's difficult to remove it every day.
So, using 36s lithium configuration I start testing:
-charging works but it have to be manually stopped at 144v
-I have power at the wheels - ok.
BUT  :D  abd here we have the "new" problem:
- All the time (either charge or "drive") I have a sequence of 3 relay clicks at every 7 seconds comming from the "contactors box" inside the battery tray.
If you have some advice I will really appreciate it, meanwhile I'll continue with the conversion.

And another little odd stuff from this morning : the back tail lamps are always on... yesterday I did not have this ...

Viorel  [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]    [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]    [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]    [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]    [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]    [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]    [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]    [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]  
Hello friends !

Since winter is comming, again, I was force to finish the webasto airtop installation.
Here are the pictures:  [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]    [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]    [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]    [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]    [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]    [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]    [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]  
Ok, some WD40 on "immobilizer" antena module plug and victory! little green car is ON :)
I still have error 41 but I can forgive this error now :)


I've noticed another error- see picture above - FlSt5 (flag status 5) bit 2 = 1
This means:  PCU Gen2 immobiliser error - no communication to antenna
I'll investigate this first and I'll let you know.

Viorel V.
Huston we have another problem(s) :)
My dear Think refused to start after 2 weeks pause.

Charging is ok, all is ok till key=on inclusive. At key=start (crank) -> nothing changes, no green little car... :(
Using CHAS I found two main differences -> see picture.
Errcode=41  and
"Iac_fault = true"

Also I have recorded the start sequence while I've tried Key=start three times  (see error41.jpg file attached - renamed from .trc)    [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]  

Does anyone knows what Iac_fault is ? how about error41= driver gate error ?

Thank you in advance.

Thank you Teik ! All ok on my side  :+1:

Now, the difficult part : adapting webasto control to "Think" heater knob and dummy button (next to hazard button)
Adapting variable rezistor to "Think" heater knob:

to be continued...


Today was "the little pump day"  :)


Yes, I foud a good use for that empty space in the back :) 
Made some little progress today:

Pictures are ok, I've checked ;)
Hola amigos :)

Since my electric heater is dead (don't even tried to repair it, it may verry well have a burned fuse :)) )
I want to install a Webasto diesel heater in my Think so my wife will not compain about poor heating anymore.
I'm now in the "test phase", please find some pictures below :

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