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Meldinger - Jeronan

Model Y / Sv: Petion for snow mode
søndag 02. januar 2022, klokken 15:42
I an truly confused by this, why mine is greyed out when in drive.

Do you guys maybe have one or more secuirty features disabled perhaps?

Only other difference I can think of is that I run the MCU in English language.

But I have installed 44.30 this afternoon. So will try test again later today and see if it was a bug in previous firmware in our car.
Model Y / Sv: Petion for snow mode
søndag 02. januar 2022, klokken 14:30
For me its greyed out while driving. I know, I tried.
Only when I put it in park, I am then able to turn it on.

So interesting that you can.

Just received 44.30 and installed it. Will do a hard reset later and test again and see if I can turn it on while driving then. If it was a bug in one of the last updates. Hmmm.
Model Y / Sv: Petion for snow mode
søndag 02. januar 2022, klokken 01:10
Sitat fra: Handyman på lørdag 01. januar 2022, klokken 23:34
Sitat fra: Jeronan på lørdag 01. januar 2022, klokken 20:06
I have to put the car in park and switch on Offroad Assist for true 4WD.
Which is a complete joke to be honest and has started to aggrevate both me and my wife, with some scary episodes last week.
Man trenger da ikke sette bilen i Park for å skru på TA. Jeg gjør det i fart uten problemer. Hvorfor lage det til et større problem enn det er?

You cannot switch on Offroad Assist when in Drive, only in Park.

You can however turn it off while driving.

This has most likely to do with that Offroad Assist disables several safety systems ( which also cannot be turned off while in Drive ).
Model Y / Sv: Petion for snow mode
lørdag 01. januar 2022, klokken 20:06
Sitat fra: Rosstopher på lørdag 01. januar 2022, klokken 13:20
Sitat fra: friendsmag på lørdag 01. januar 2022, klokken 10:35
Kjørte i går for første gang på «glatt» vei. Yen var nesten ikke kontrollerbart. Bakenden svingte ut bare hvis man brukte veldig følsomt strøm pedalen. Jeg syns det er livsfarlig og skjønner ikke at Tesla har allerede gjort noe (hvis mulig) med en oppdatering. Aktiverte terrengassistent etter noen minutt og da kjørte bilen helt fin sånn som jeg var vant det fra min Model 3 fra før. Så nå må jeg huske å aktivere den før hver tur.

Den opplevelsen du beskriver høres ut som slik det var hos meg før 40.6. Hvilken versjon har du?

I have the latest 44.25. It has made no difference whatsoever.

I have to put the car in park and switch on Offroad Assist for true 4WD.
Which is a complete joke to be honest and has started to aggrevate both me and my wife, with some scary episodes last week.

This was never an issue with our previous Model S, since that one automatically switched to 50/50 front/rear DU when temps are below 2 degrees and/or detects slippery road conditions.

Just stupid the Model Y doesn't have this, as right now it always reacts too late with engaging the front DU and only when you practically floor the Watt pedal before the front DU descides to wake up!

The Model S right now is a much better winter car. /shrug
Tesla SW og AP / Sv: 2021.44.25 - Holiday update
søndag 26. desember 2021, klokken 19:50
Sitat fra: tornaldo på lørdag 25. desember 2021, klokken 22:06
Sitat fra: turfsurf på fredag 24. desember 2021, klokken 14:54
Sitat fra: Jeronan på fredag 24. desember 2021, klokken 13:43
I really hope the bottom swipe for Energy / trip consumption and Tire pressure comes back!

Completely idiotic they removed this.
Enig. Sånne ting er man faktisk interessert i å ha på skjermen hele tiden.

Er virkelig trip consumption fjernet fra "hjem" skjermen?? Det må jo være veldig irriterende.

Yep! It's gone and no way to get it back! Now you are forced to either open the Energy app ( that fills the entire screen ) or dive into the car menu.

I am absolutely baffled as to why they felt the need to remove this?!
Tesla SW og AP / Sv: 2021.44.25 - Holiday update
fredag 24. desember 2021, klokken 13:43
Sitat fra: geear på fredag 24. desember 2021, klokken 11:16
Nå har allerede 2021.44.25.6 dukket opp på noen få biler på Teslafi. Bugfix allerede?  ;)

I really hope the bottom swipe for Energy / trip consumption and Tire pressure comes back!

Completely idiotic they removed this.
Model Y / Sv: TMY sliter med varmen i kulda
onsdag 22. desember 2021, klokken 22:38
Sitat fra: elhansen på onsdag 22. desember 2021, klokken 22:15
Sitat fra: Klykken på onsdag 22. desember 2021, klokken 20:57
Tempen faller hos meg fra tid til annen fortsatt. Men kanskje ikke like "voldsomt" og langvarig. Er på 44.6 nå også. Skal ta en skikkelig restart av bilen og se om det gjør noe.

Er det ennå en ny versjon. Har fått 44.5... men ikke sett ny etter dette ?

We had 44.5 since last week and driven with this version to Vestlandet last Saturday. The only difference is that the car heats up much quicker now, but the AC issues with inconsistent heat is still there and not resolved.
We noticed that when we set a SuC as destination in navigation, that it immediately started preconditioning the battery pack, eventhough we still had more than 1 hour to go. This increased both power consumption with 30-40 Wh/km and also AC blowing cold air into the cabin for 15 minutes, before heat returned.
Was crazy. Car used 195Wh/km at 110 km/h on E6, but over 230Wh/km at 80 km/h towards Vinstra.
The moment I turned off Navigation, consumption slowly dropped to below 180Wh/km, as expected.
So next time I won't set SuC as destination until 15-20 min before.

I just installed 44.6 last night, so have not driven with it yet. So will see if there are any improvements.
Model Y / Sv: Petion for snow mode
onsdag 22. desember 2021, klokken 21:54
Sitat fra: Handyman på onsdag 22. desember 2021, klokken 21:38
Du sier at du ikke har brukt Terrengassistenten, og det er jo helt tydelig. Det du skriver er jo helt på jordet og fult av feil.

We had a Model S 75D for over 4 years and driven it through 4 winters in the most horrible winter conditions. So I know what I am talking about. I never ever had any issues whatsoever with the Model S. It behaved completely different in snow/slippery conditions with far better traction control without having to do anything. It never behaved nervous nor slipped with the rear, like the Model Y does.

Like I already said. I will test out the off-road assist when I am alone, but it's not a snow mode nor am I happy that it disables safety systems like emergency brake assist. It also disables Traction Control.  Hence, why its called "off-road assist" and not "snow mode".

With snow mode, you basically just want balanced traction from both front and rear DU, and traction control enabled.
Nor do safety systems need to be disabled either.

Either way. If the Model Y 4WD would behave similar to Model S/X we would not need a snow mode at all. /shrug

Sitat fra: Handyman på onsdag 22. desember 2021, klokken 21:51
Det står ikke i hvorfor noen funksjoner er deaktivert. Men det står faktisk at det kan brukes i alle hastigheter.

Because with off-road driving in rough terrain you drive at such slow speeds without fast incoming traffic, that safety systems like Emergency brake assist is not really needed. Traction Control is also disengaged to allow for wheel spin.

That is what I meant with slow speeds by the way, not that you can only use it at slow speeds. Just that it's meant to be used for what it says it does.
Model Y / Sv: Petion for snow mode
onsdag 22. desember 2021, klokken 21:41
Sitat fra: Handyman på onsdag 22. desember 2021, klokken 21:35
Ja det er helt vanlig regen!! Jeg leser samme verdier på SMT.
Ang hastighet står det: MERK: Selv om du kan bruke Slip Start og Terrengassistent ved alle hastigheter, er det mindre effektivt ved høyere hastigheter. Legg merke til at det ikke frarådes å bruke den i høyere hastigheter, bare at det er mindre effektivt. Altså ingen fare forbundet med bruken. Traction control absolutt aktivt, men det tillater bare litt hjulspinn.

I've read on the US forums that the Off-road assist is really meant for what is says. For slow speed off-road driving in rough terrain. Hence, why it disables safety systems. Since they are not really useful in such conditions.
People across the pond have the Model Y a good while longer than us and extensively tested this and they still petition for dedicated Snow mode.

Emergency brake assist is definitely something I would want active at all times, not matter what. Same with Traction Control. Especially with family in the car.

(( Lane departure assist I can do without and hate with a passion (just a stupid EU thing forced on us that doesn't work), but that is a different matter altogether. ;)  ))
Model Y / Sv: Petion for snow mode
onsdag 22. desember 2021, klokken 21:31
Sitat fra: Rosstopher på onsdag 22. desember 2021, klokken 21:25
Model S doesn't have a snow mode that can be toggled, just automatic changes in how the DUs are used depending on conditions. Read the thread and you'll see that all updated Model Y does something similar. Mine feels significantly different now with 40.6.

Model S doesn't need snow mode, since it automatically balances traction between front and rear DU when temps drop below 2 degrees Celcius or when it detects slippery conditions.

The Model 3 and Y don't do this. It's pure Rear wheel drive and only engages the front DU when pressing the watt pedal in slippery conditions.  It's a reactive system part of Anti spin / Traction control and not true 4WD like Model S/X.

There is a big topic on the US Tesla forums about this as well for while now, where people have petioned for Snow mode for Model 3/Y.

Like people have explained, its because the front DU is different from the rear DU and less efficient. So its an efficiency/range issue as to why they implemented it this way.
That is perfectly fine, but give us the choice to sacrifice range for better drive experience in bad road conditions.

It should be an easy implementation for Model Y, since it already has Off-road assist mode. So they can just copy the code, call it "snow mode" and keep regen, traction control and safety systems on. Problem solved.

Then they can add back the "low/normal regen" toggle again for those that want to reduce regen.
Model Y / Sv: Petion for snow mode
onsdag 22. desember 2021, klokken 21:10
Off road assist is not snow mode. Its for slow offroad driving and it disables safety systems and Traction Control. It also disables regen completely which I don't want, since I am used to and comfortable with one pedal driving.
( always had Model S in full regen mode all year round without issues no matter conditions )

I will certainly try out this mode one day when driving alone to test it out.

But we just need a dedicated snow mode that just engages the front DU like with Model S, without turning off safety systems, traction control and regen.
Model Y / Sv: Petion for snow mode
onsdag 22. desember 2021, klokken 21:03
Now I am in Vestlandet, yesterday I experienced some real slippery conditions and I am definitely not impressed.

The car behaves extemely nervous and constantly slips with the rear end. This never happened with the Model S, since it was true 4WD below 2 degrees and used both DU actively.

This is seriously a negative and big dissapointment. The car corrects itself quickly, don't get me wrong, but it just causes an uncomfortable drive experience.
I found some tips online to drive in Chillmode and that indeed helped a bit.

So I agree we really need a snow mode, so we can decide for ourselves to sacrifice range for better drive experience in slippery / snow conditions.
Model Y / Sv: TMY sliter med varmen i kulda
onsdag 22. desember 2021, klokken 20:56
Sitat fra: Handyman på onsdag 22. desember 2021, klokken 19:02
Ny tur til hytta i dag. Mellom 3 og 7 minusgrader. Helt stabil temperatur i kupeen. Som et helt nytt klimaanlegg.
Fikk også merkbart bedre hastighet på SuC med en kort peak på 245kW. SMT viser at batteriet nå forvarmes til over 45 grader, mot ca 30 grader tidligere. 58 grader under lading. Ting har definitivt blitt endret.

Do you have 44.6? I installed it yesterday and release notes say it contains Supercharging improvements.

So lets hope we now get a similar charge curve as the Panasonic pack.  :)
Model Y / Sv: Recall av MIC Model Y
fredag 10. desember 2021, klokken 16:25
Model Y / Sv: Recall av MIC Model Y
fredag 10. desember 2021, klokken 09:38
Sitat fra: snakkesalig på fredag 10. desember 2021, klokken 09:33
...og snart kommer hengerfestene til Y.
Kan bli travelt på nyåret for SCene, ja.

Well if your car is affected by this recall, which 99,99% chance it is. The last thing you want to do now is start towing heavy stuff.  ::) :-X
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