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Meldinger - Jeronan

Sitat fra: geear på fredag 14. januar 2022, klokken 09:26
Da forutsetter du vel at energitettheten er helt lik, og det er den ikke?

That is also a possible explanation. The LG NCMA pack has a different chemistry composition as to the Panasonic pack? So a slightly lower energy density in the LG pack is also possible for the slightly reduced range.
Sitat fra: jlan på fredag 14. januar 2022, klokken 09:07
Det er nok det nye  NCMA batteriet, som endel Model 3 allerede er levert med. Model 3 er forøvrig nå satt ned fra 614 km til 602 km. Om det skyldes endringer i dekkdimensjon er jeg usikker på. De oppgir nå 626 km med 18".

The 614km was based on the US Panasonic pack? As when they updated the range before summer last year, it was expected that these Model 3 LR to be delivered from Fremont.

So the updated lower 602km might indicate that the new LG NCMA pack has a slightly higher buffer and thus lower net capacity. Which doesn't have to be a negative to be honest.
Model Y / Sv: TMY sliter med varmen i kulda
fredag 14. januar 2022, klokken 08:59
Just a day later and another hotfix lands.  44.30.7. Installing now.

Typical that temps are above zero now. Hopefully this weekend it gets colder again and we can start testing to see if there are any improvements.
Tesla SW og AP / Sv: 2021.44.30.7
fredag 14. januar 2022, klokken 08:55
Heh. Just installed 44.30.6 yesterday and now already installing 44.30.7.

No release notes yet, so wonder what it will contain.

It's too warm at the moment to do any meaningful testing at the moment sadly. Hopefully this weekend temps go below zero again.
Model Y / Sv: TMY sliter med varmen i kulda
torsdag 13. januar 2022, klokken 13:38
Sitat fra: Autowinder på torsdag 13. januar 2022, klokken 11:20
+1 Høres logisk ut, men uten å få stengt fastfrossede åpne spjeld er det betydelig mer krevende. Kan det bli en recall for fysisk bytte av spjeldenheten, eller gir de bare f*** og endrer delen og putter ny inn i produksjonen fremover.

Since this affects mostly people in cold weather climates, they most likely do a silent revision and then replace it when people experience the problem, complain and deliver their car to service.

This problem is very specific and only happens in some extreme weather scenarios where there might be ice build-up in these flaps and that they freeze up and get stuck in open position, like Elon Musk describes.

The inconsistent AC performance is a more complicated problem related to the Octa valve system and they have been trying to tweak this system in the recent firmware updates, without avail (yet).
Model Y / Sv: TMY sliter med varmen i kulda
torsdag 13. januar 2022, klokken 08:52
Sitat fra: snakkesalig på torsdag 13. januar 2022, klokken 08:47
Oi, takk!
Det er uansett godt å se at du fortsetter å være negativ og problematiserende.

I am being realistic. We had a Model S before for 4 and half years. So my expectations have become extremely low.

Just look at the Automatic wiper function for example. 5+ years later and it still doesn't work. :P

So I hope they manage to find a solution for these AC problems quicker than they do with the Automatic wipers.

Don't get me wrong. For the rest (especially first 3 months) we have been very happy with the car overall.
Though the last 7 weeks (December/January) has dampen the experience quite a bit and left a sour taste in our mouth due to the AC problems.
Model Y / Sv: TMY sliter med varmen i kulda
torsdag 13. januar 2022, klokken 08:29
Elon's explanation only applies to those who experienced complete heat loss and gotten the "AC requires service" error (and in extreme cases had to be towed to the service center).

This doesn't explain the issue most of us have experienced with inconsistent AC performance nor the issue I experienced with 44.25 where the problem was complete opposite, in that the cabin turned into a sauna for our whole 8+ hour trip home from Vestlandet to south of Oslo.

With every software update so far since December, the AC in our car has behaved differently.

Beginning December ( 44.5/6 ): AC started to get inconsistent only when temps dropped below -9 degrees.
End December ( 44.25 ): AC turned cabin into a Sauna.
Beginning January ( 44.30 ): AC started to get inconsistent after 10-15 mins driving no matter speed and temps around +2 to -8 degrees.

I am installing 44.30.6 now. So curious to see how the AC is going to behave now.  ::)

Sitat fra: snakkesalig på torsdag 13. januar 2022, klokken 08:24
Dette er opplagt sprøyt, alle vet at all utvikling og testing foregår i solfylte California, ikke sant Jeronan?

I guess you are new to the world of Tesla and don't know this well known meme yet.  ::) You are forgiven.  :P
Model Y / Sv: TMY sliter med varmen i kulda
onsdag 12. januar 2022, klokken 12:35
Sitat fra: snakkesalig på onsdag 12. januar 2022, klokken 11:58
Som flere har påpekt: Tesla kjenner til problemet, så uansett om det er SW-feil eller komponentfeil så er jeg rimelig overbevist om at problemet vil være løst innen kort tid.

The issue is though that Tesla dev team sits in Sunny California (and the team is currently out of a manager again, which might explain the disastrous UI update (no comment  >:( )).

We got our Model Y early September and the car behaved perfectly all the way up to beginning December when we got the first real cold days. Up until then AC performance was excellent and reliable.

They need to actively test in a location where its minus degrees, but right now it just feels like they just messing around in California changing random parameters in the firmware (with no clear management direction), dump it to us via OTA and let us customers be the guinea pigs to test and see if it works.

Especially 44.25 was a disastrous update, with stupid unnecessary UI changes and AC system started blowing hot air straight into the cabin only (had to switch AC to manual and lower temps to 16-17 degrees to stop the sauna temps in the cabin) and saw an increase in average energy consumption of over 30-40 Wh/km. Most likely it no longer heated up the battery pack, as we had horrible charge speeds at the Supercharger (max. 60 kW, even with SuC as nav destination).

44.30 basically just reverted the AC changes again to how it was back in beginning December ( well actually worse, as back in December it was only a problem when temps were below -9 ). So now the cabin gets cold again after 10-15mins driving and AC becomes inconstistent, no matter temps outside.  :-1:

Funny note. The new Model S Plaid now also comes with the same heat pump and octa valve system and these owners are complaining now too about inconsistent AC performance.

Model Y / Sv: TMY sliter med varmen i kulda
tirsdag 11. januar 2022, klokken 12:36
Sitat fra: Autowinder på tirsdag 11. januar 2022, klokken 11:59
Ja det er en sjanse for at de kan fikse det med OTA, men endel må jo melde fra så Tesla får kikket på dataloggene og kanskje finne ut av hvordan rette bortfall av varme. Det er satt av 3 timer på SC i slutten av måneden, men det beste er jo om de kan finne nok data remote til å løse det med en OTA-push 🤞🏻

They can access those remote and I have given them exact day/time stamps of when the AC started to blow cold air into the cabin back in december. They never responded if they found anything.  :(
Model Y / Sv: TMY sliter med varmen i kulda
tirsdag 11. januar 2022, klokken 11:30
Sitat fra: Radial på mandag 10. januar 2022, klokken 22:01
Ny tur i -3°c på bare 20minutter på 44.30:
Varmt helt til motorveien, og etter 10minutter der så ble det kaldt. Forble kaldt inntil jeg kjørte av motorveien, da peises det på med varme - såpass mye at jeg får opp 3-4prikker på effekt-linja for kaldt batteri. Var godt og varmt inn til garasjen 5 minutter senere.

Forbasket shiit dette her... Men om det er vert å booke (og ikke minst møte opp) service for enda, hvis problemet bare er SW fiks, er jeg tvilende til.
Bor ~1time unna SC.

I have the exact same issue that I have now a posponed service appointment next week on the 21st at Karihaugen.

I also fear, seeing how many complaints there are (also in US with new plaid Model S that also has the same heat pump/octavalve system now), that I am going to waste my time having the car there stuck in internal queue and sitting with a loaner in cold weather and no app control, with them ending not being able to find nor do anything since it's more and more pointing towards a clear firmware problem (or worse a design flaw in their heat pump system, seeing how they keep on struggling in fixing it via OTA updates).
Model Y / Sv: TMY sliter med varmen i kulda
fredag 07. januar 2022, klokken 13:12
Now temps are -10 and lower again, I notice that it takes a lot longer to preheat the car now since 44.30 as well, compared to 44.6 and 44.25.

For me it just feels like they just reversed the changes from 44.6/44.25 and now the car behaves exactly like how it was back in Early December, when the first cold days arrived.  :(
Tesla SW og AP / Sv: 2021.44.30 - forbedret kupévarme
torsdag 06. januar 2022, klokken 16:35
Sitat fra: keepitsimple på torsdag 06. januar 2022, klokken 15:55
Jeg lurer på om dette går å ordne med software. Biler med varmepumpe har kanskje rett og slett ikke stor nokk varmekapasitet et eller annet sted under null grader.

It actually does. Last week, we drove back from Vestlandet with the 44.25 update and it was a complete sauna in the car. Temps outside were up to -15. We had to set the temp down to 16-17 degrees and it was still too warm. Had to set it to manual to get the temps down a bit, as we were getting a headache of the uncomfortable heat.

Now with 44.30 update we back to square one and it starts blowing cold air again after 10-15 mins when its really cold outside.

This is just typical Tesla sitting in sunny California and don't test properly before release updates.
Tesla SW og AP / Sv: 2021.44.30 - forbedret kupévarme
torsdag 06. januar 2022, klokken 10:17
Got it last weekend. Sadly back to square one with 44.30 update. Didn´t fix anything.  :-1:
Model Y / Sv: TMY sliter med varmen i kulda
torsdag 06. januar 2022, klokken 10:12
Last week, we drove back from Vestlandet with the 44.25 update and it was a complete sauna in the car. Temps outside were up to -15. We had to set the temp down to 16-17 degrees and it was still too warm. Had to set it to manual to get the temps down a bit, as we were getting a headache of the uncomfortable heat.

This weekend we got 44.30 and now it seems we are back to square one, with now and then it starting to blow cold air after 15mins or so with the cold temps we have now.

Really feels like up at Tesla HQ in Fremont, that they just use a wet finger approach in fixing the AC issues and not bother to test properly. Just throw it out there in updates and see what sticks.  :-1:

Same with the whole UI overhaul. Feels like just changing for the sake of changing things without thinking things through! Guess that happens when yet another Software lead manager has quit and they currently leaderless in UI team. /shrug
Model Y / Sv: Petion for snow mode
søndag 02. januar 2022, klokken 18:08
Now 44.30 is installed and I did a hard reset. I just drove and tested.

Now it works. Off-road assist is no longer greyed out.  :+1:

Interestingly. Even slipp-start is no longer greyed out either while driving and can enable it after the 44.30 update.

No idea what it was, as I have not touched any settings after installing 44.30.
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