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Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: Volkswagen e-up VS Renault Zoe 240
tirsdag 05. juni 2018, klokken 15:25
Just for adding more data to this, here is a link to another post:
The numbers are for a Zoe Q210 which is less efficient at charging at lower intensity.
But it roughly shows that using the Zaptec with 10A gives you around 1.5kW in the battery with the Zoe R240, whicle using the Podpoint charger with 16A gives you roughly the double, i.e 3 to 3.2 kW.
Hence my numbers at the beginning of this thread.
Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: Volkswagen e-up VS Renault Zoe 240
mandag 04. juni 2018, klokken 11:31
No problem Jeanett :)

Yes you can use the Zaptec portable on any grid.
One little thing though: in order to dissipate the heat it creates, it has a built-in fan which is a bit noisy. So make sure the noise level it ok with you. Putting it under the car during charging helps a bit :)

Otherwise you have the ladebøtte (also ok with both TN and IT):
It is totally silent but gets warm (not 100C but warm...) and weight 13 kg.

One more thing about both of these: the charging time is around half compared to a 3.6 kW charge, so around 8% capacity per hour.
Kjøpe elbil? / Sv: Volkswagen e-up VS Renault Zoe 240
mandag 04. juni 2018, klokken 10:14
I have a 2 years old R240 and I manage 100 km easily during the winter and 180/200 km during the summer if I do not drive 100 km/h on the motorway :)
One thing I would check is if the Zoe is compatible with your charge at home. Having a Type 2 charger is not enough, you have to make sure it is TN compatible, not IT. If the charger gives 11 kW or more, then it should be ok. But maybe it is more common to have a TN grid in Bergen compared to Oslo...
You should also check that you can charge at work, either with the Type 2 cable that comes with the car, or with a cable that you can plug in the normal socket. Again, if the grid is IT, you will need a charger transforming that to TN, like the Zaptec portable or the "ladebøtte" from NoFuel.
The charging time depends on the charger's capacity. If you have a 3.6 kW charger, you get around 15% more capacity per hour.
The service price is around 1500 NOK for the first year, 2500 for the 2nd year and 4000 for the 3 year. Then you are back to year 1 :)

I am super happy with my Zoe, and one main reason is that it fits my needs :)
Zoe / Sv: Status første dagene med Zoe
søndag 27. mai 2018, klokken 17:36
Sitat fra: waldinjo på søndag 27. mai 2018, klokken 17:13
- For mye gjenskinn i frontruten fra oppå dashbordet (vurderer å legge på noe folie muligens, noen som har tips her?)

The easiest thing you can do about that is wear polarized sunglasses :)
Zoe / Sv: Lading av ZOE for Dummies -en nybegynner guide.
mandag 14. mai 2018, klokken 17:16
Sitat fra: HCO på mandag 14. mai 2018, klokken 17:07
Når det gjelder Oslo-Svinesund med "gammel" Zoe, er det null problem, vi har gjort det flere ganger med vår Zoe R240 (23 kWh batteri). Det finnes mange 22kW-ladere strategisk plassert på norsk side, de fleste av de er Fortum som tar 1kr/min (tilsvarer ca. 3kr/kWh).

Jepp I agree, there are many 22 kW chargers (both Fortum and Grønn Kontakt) between Oslo and Sweden and they work great with the Zoe.

Just a quick comment about the 1 NOK/min...
I have seen several Fortum chargers now charging 2.5 NOK/kWh instead of 1 NOK/min, with no extra per period of time like GK does, which is nice when one can not manage 22 kW because the battery is cold or the on board charger manages max 6 or 11 kW.
Is this Fortum's new policy to make these so called flexi chargers more attractive to people with less powerful on board AC chargers and/or hybrid, so it does not cost them too much to charge per kWh?
According to their web page:
Vi har totalt 8 laddstationer, 4 stationer med vanligt 16 amper uttag och 4 stationer med typ 2 laddare med upp till 22 Kw. Vid frågor ring 070-3020106.
I was there in the fall last year I think. They had 6 22 kW chargers I think.
Better be there at the opening, i.e 09:00. The chargers are very popular :)
Worked like a charm with my Zoe but one was out of order.
Thanks, very enlightening :)

But it also means that what I wrote for 3 phases/400V was correct then.
One has to multiply by 1.73 because of the 400V 3 phases (aka not 3 times 400V 1 phase).
Did I completely misunderstand and the gain you get when going from 1 phase to 3 phases is only the square root of 3, aka 1.73, and not 3?
The gain between 1 phase and 3 phases is only 1.73, not 3.

1 phase:

Zoe / Sv: Kjørelengde
lørdag 28. april 2018, klokken 21:38
During the summer, I manage around 150 km driving on the highway at around 85 km/h. This is starting at 100% and stopping with 5-10% left.
I also have a R240.
Can it be that your BMS is old and gives you a SoH lower that it really is, hence not allowing you to use all the battery capacity?
Zoe / Sv: Pilotsignal "gammel" og "ny" PodPoint
onsdag 25. april 2018, klokken 13:21
How does one know if one has a new podpoint or an old one?
How can I check?
I got mine in September 2016.
Sitat fra: tepe2 på mandag 23. april 2018, klokken 17:40
Ønske om appstyring er først og fremst for å kunne varme opp bilen akkurat når jeg ønsker. Når jeg parkerer bilen er det ikke alltid jeg vet når jeg skal ta den i bruk igjen.

On some cars, you can start the conditioning from the key if you are not too far away (like maybe max 50m).
so if you are parked not too far from your house/flat, it could work...
Zoe / Sv: Jekk til zoe
mandag 23. april 2018, klokken 09:55
I have the older version of this one from Biltema:
800,- NOK
It comes with the necessary pads so you do not damage the bottom of the car.

I had this one from before, but it is too high even when at its lowest:
So don't buy that. Pity because much cheaper (150,-)

Regarding the necessary tool for the bolts, a standard one will work.
I think I have this one:
Zoe / Sv: Lading av ZOE for Dummies -en nybegynner guide.
onsdag 18. april 2018, klokken 08:40
The Zoe can only charge with max 22 kW AC (not DC) via a type 2 cable indeed.
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