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Meldinger - minibiti

Zoe / Sv: Pod-point lader ZOE brent
tirsdag 26. mars 2019, klokken 14:27
Yes this is a known problem I was told.
I got the problem a few weeks ago and was lucky enough that the repair team came the next day and changed the part under warranty. My PodPoint is from summer 2016.
The electricians who came told me they repair as many podpoints as they install, so it seems to be a very known problem indeed :)

On the plus side, once repaired, the podpoint has a much lower "vampire draw" (tomgang) when not connected, or so I was told.
Elbiler i media / Sv: Ny rapport: Elbiler halverer energibruken
mandag 25. mars 2019, klokken 17:03
Sitat fra: Tellus på mandag 25. mars 2019, klokken 09:10
Vinterforbruk til en elbil som forvarmes daglig er ganske mye høyere enn sommerforbruket. Har et snitt i vinter på over 27 kWh/100 kw med min Ampera (inkluderer forvarming av kupe og batteri). Legg til 15% i tap under lading og vi er på 31kWh/100 km. Om sommeren  har jeg et forbruk på under halvparten av dette.

The Ampera-e does not have a heat pump while the Zoe does. Maybe this explains some of it?
Zoe / Sv: Hvordan lader jeg til 80 prosent?
fredag 22. mars 2019, klokken 10:44
In theory you should not need to stop the charge at 80% in order to keep a good SoH (State of Health) for your battery pack. The Zoe has a buffer at both ends so that the battery pack is never 100% full or 100% empty.
When the car says 100% full it is actually only 95%-ish percent full.
Even Renault says that it is not necessary to think about this. Just plug and let it charge.
One thing you can do is charge every other day for example, or only when you need.

If you really want to stop at 80%, the calendar is indeed your only option, at least that I know of.

Regarding Android Auto, it is not yet approved for Norway (probably due to the lack of support for the Norwegian language). But you can manually download and install it from APK Mirror ( but make sure you know what you are doing :)
You have to make sure you download the package for the right Architecture.
Zoe / Sv: Charging history in app
onsdag 06. mars 2019, klokken 08:26
Yepp, it is back :)
Zoe / Sv: Sliter med lading av denne fjaskassen
tirsdag 05. mars 2019, klokken 21:12
Your best alternative is probably this one:
Nofuel 10A portabel ladeboks ZOE -
9600,- NOK

Even better would be a home charger but maybe you can't install one?
Zoe / Sv: Charging history in app
onsdag 20. februar 2019, klokken 08:36
I found 2 alternative sites providing a different front-end to display de data on Renault's server:
The 2nd one does not currently display battery data in the graphic properly.
And the first one give you access to the missing charging data I reported some tome ago :)

The credentials are the same as the ones for
Zoe / Sv: Indre ladelokk løsnet..
onsdag 20. februar 2019, klokken 08:32
It is also a good idea to put some silicone on the axis of the inner lock to keep everything smooth :)
Zoe / Sv: Tom Tom updatefor R-Link to install before April 2019
tirsdag 19. februar 2019, klokken 10:18
Sorry to hear that @Einride.

The upgrade took around 15-20 min for me, and I stayed in the car the whole time.
Can it be that you left with the key and that the car went to sleep?

I do not know how to force the upgrade if it does not want to start.
I am not complaining :)
I am just trying to list what used to work and what works now so others can learn from it  :angel:
Sitat fra: minibiti på fredag 15. februar 2019, klokken 08:42
Is it just me or did the URLs for the RSS feeds changed?
Looks like the forum part after .no is gone:;board=47;type=rss =>;board=47;type=rss

And you also went from http to https :)
Is it just me or did the URLs for the RSS feeds changed?
Looks like the forum part after .no is gone:;board=47;type=rss =>;board=47;type=rss
Zoe / Sv: Tom Tom updatefor R-Link to install before April 2019
torsdag 14. februar 2019, klokken 14:19
So this is probably why they need to update the Tom Tom SW:
GPS signals from satellites include a timestamp, needed in part to calculate one's location, that stores the week number using ten binary bits. That means the week number can have 210 or 1,024 integer values, counting from zero to 1,023 in this case. Every 1,024 weeks, or roughly every 20 years, the counter rolls over from 1,023 to zero.

More info:
France has had the night price (50% off I think) between 22:00 and 06:00 for as long as I can remember precisely in order to incentivize people to run as much as possible at night.
Even the water boiler does not warm up the water before 22:00 by default and you have to press a button in the fuse cabinet to override that setting the few times a year you have 10 people taking a shower the same afternoon.
I do not think it has been a big problem with extra fires, at least not noticeably :)
Or maybe they are used to it by now and do not bother about it...

Now of course if you have shitty sockets, that's on you really.

But we digress from the original subject  :police:
Sitat fra: jorgror på søndag 10. februar 2019, klokken 14:09
Er det da rettferdig at energien til elbiler skal prises mye høyere enn energien til fossilbiler, fordi elbiler er så mye mer effektive? Skal fyringsolje prises lavere fordi varmepumpen er mer effektiv?

I am really not sure what you mean here. What do you mean by fair?
The price of any item is a combination of what it costs to produce, the margin taken by the producer and how much tax the state puts on top.
Fairness can only come into the picture for the last component, taxes.
The rest is driven by the market, i.e demand vs production equilibrium.

Both oil and electricity are used for other things than just power cars so their price is a reflection of that.

Or are you trying to say that taxes on petrol should be higher and taxes for electricity used specifically to charge cars lower?
Sitat fra: jorgror på søndag 10. februar 2019, klokken 00:12
1 liter diesel inneholder 35.8 MJ, som tilsvarer ca 10 kWh. Prisen er ca 15 kr som gir 1.5 kr / kWh solgt langs veien. (

Strøm langs veien koster fra 1.70 kr / kWh, men vanligvis rundt 3 kr / kWh.

Dette føles svært urettferdig når det er en betydelig klima- og miljøkostnad forbundet med diesel.

But you can convert only around 35% of your energy in motion, in effect tripling your cost.
So yes the price per kW is roughly the same, but the price to move the car is 3 times as high.
Then it is more like 4.5 NOK/kWh moving the car.

Or did I misunderstand something? :)
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