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Zoe / Sv: Overdra MyRenault-konto og app til ny eier
mandag 27. mai 2019, klokken 09:04
I have not done it myself but this is how I understand it...
You have 2 levels. Your Renault ZE Online account and then the account for the car itself.

As I understand, anyone can create a Renault ZE Online account, it is just a matter of registering at

Once you have an account, you have to add the vehicle itself. And in order to do that you need the activation code that you got with the car which is connected to the car's VIN.

So the way I see it, you need to do this:
1. Log onto and delete the vehicle.
2. Give the VIN and activation code to the new owner and let him add the car in his/her own Renault ZE Online acount

And let me know if I am wrong :)
Elbilen i Samfunnet / Sv: Elektrisk Taxi
søndag 19. mai 2019, klokken 11:19
Cheap fuel (electricity vs petrol/diesel) and free/cheap toll much also factor in nicely.
Not to mention the money saved on service/maintenance.
Zoe / Sv: Fornye utløpt Z.E Connect
torsdag 09. mai 2019, klokken 10:37
I think your only option is to contact the place which sold you the car and ask them for your account info and code.
Zoe / Sv: 4 års service
onsdag 08. mai 2019, klokken 09:49
When I bought my Zoe, I was told that the 1st service is the cheapest, then the 2nd is more expensive and the 3rd one is the most expensive as they change the 12V battery and do more things.
But I was also told that the 4th one is the same as the 1st one, the 5th one the same as the 2nd one, and so on...
So the 4th service should not be that expensive, around 1500,- NOK I would say. Max 2000,- :)
Zoe / Sv: CanZE and battery capacity
onsdag 08. mai 2019, klokken 09:12
Good to hear I am not the only one :)
Zoe / CanZE and battery capacity
mandag 06. mai 2019, klokken 12:14
Via CanZE, I see I do not get much over 39 kWh of available capacity for my battery pack which is supposed to give me 41 kWh.
I had hoped that it was because of the cold winter temperatures but it does not seem to improve much now that we are/were closer to 20C. The measurements in April while it was warm were not any closer to 41 kWh.

What are you guys with R90s/R110s seeing?
He can come to my place and test! ;)
Are we talking about this one, for 1000€?

If this works on the IT grid, then it is:
- cheaper than the Zaptec portable
- quieter than Zaptec portable since no fan
- much lighter than the "ladebøtte"

That sounds like a great product! :)

Available in Norway?
Zoe / Sv: Ny Brukt Zoe
torsdag 18. april 2019, klokken 21:44
Sitat fra: sinhal på torsdag 18. april 2019, klokken 18:17
Here is the registration data for my car

Looks like you have the R240 indeed, which makes sense if your car is from 2016.
Zoe / Sv: Ny Brukt Zoe
torsdag 18. april 2019, klokken 15:38
Yes indeed it says at

The Q210 has 22 kW for Motorytelse under Motor
The R240 has 23.3 kW.

It is a bit strange that they refer to the battery capacity for Motorytelse but at least you can see the difference.
The fact that they refer to these numbers and not the real horse power value is due to the way the power of an engine is measured. This was covered in another thread.
Zoe / Sv: Ny Brukt Zoe
torsdag 18. april 2019, klokken 15:31
Sitat fra: sinhal på torsdag 18. april 2019, klokken 12:20
Takker for svar. Klar over at NEDC tallene ikke er realistiske, for orden skyld... Hvor kan jeg se at det er en 240 (23kw) ?

All Zoes produced after summer 2015 and before early 2017 are R240.
The R240 also has seat heaters for the front seats which the Q210 does not.
Here is also a link show the different engine compartments (the white one is the R240):

I guess the registration data is also a bit different at Vegvesenet.
Zoe / Sv: Renault Zoe 2020
lørdag 13. april 2019, klokken 19:36
Nothing new from what has been said but what has been said is more or less correct  :)
I can only guess they are waiting with the announcement in order to sell the remaining current models.
So if you can wait till August/September, do that  ;)
I have a related question...
What about some other tire?
Is there something else to choose from which is cheaper, has the same low rolling resistance as the Michelin EV and roughly the same lifespan?
Or is there no such a thing, especially for the rolling resistance?
Elbilen i Samfunnet / Sv: Elbilsalget måned for måned
tirsdag 02. april 2019, klokken 10:19
Sitat fra: automat på tirsdag 02. april 2019, klokken 09:11
Sitat fra: Elmo på tirsdag 02. april 2019, klokken 08:58
Sitat fra: Magnus Hansen på tirsdag 02. april 2019, klokken 08:37
Zoe er liten og billig og en typisk bil nr 2. Så sånn sett er vel ikke hurtiglading et krav for de som kjøper denne.
Og prisen som nå er under 200Kkr inkl. ferdig montert hjemmeladerboks gjør vel også sitt.
Hvor får man en ny Zoe 40 til under 200K? Har sett de annonserer massivt til 215K, men ikke sett noe under 200K

I think Elmo meant a 2nd hand Zoe ZE40 :)
If you buy one from garage, you can get it with the Wallbox installed included.
Ladeplasser og ladekabler / Sv: Hvilke land har IT nett?
tirsdag 02. april 2019, klokken 10:10
Interesting quote from that article

"Og når det gjelder ladeutfordringene Zoe har i Norge, med vårt sære strømnett (IT i motsetning til TN, som er i bruk i de fleste andre land, og som nå brukes i alle nye el-installasjoner også her i landet), forteller han at de har en løsning på vei, i form av en ny ladekabel som kan håndtere problemet.

Det er bare noen få steder i Europa man finner den typen strømnett som er vanlig her i landet. Feunteun trekker frem enkelte avgrensede områder i Brussel. Problemet er, eller har vært, Norge, forklarer han, men han ønsker ikke å fokusere på dette problemet. Det er Renaults oppgave å komme med en løsning som fungerer for kunden."

So it looks like Renault is coming with its own adapter... a la Zaptec portable....
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