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Zoe / Sv: Overwriting TPMS IDs via CanZE
tirsdag 03. desember 2019, klokken 17:26
The Renault Garage should manage to clone the winter and summer sensors if you go there with both sets of tires.
I do hope they are used to doing this by now...
Zoe / Sv: Overwriting TPMS IDs via CanZE
tirsdag 03. desember 2019, klokken 15:31
Usually what you do is this:
1. Read IDs from first set of tires (say summer tires)
2. Take a screenshot of the first set
3. Get a new set of tires (winter tires)
4. The people doing that screw up and overwrite the first set of IDs instead of cloning them to the new sensors
5. Read the new IDs
6. Take a screenshot of the 2nd set
7. Spring comes, put back summer tires on
8. Read TPMS IDs and find out that the on board computer still has the winter tire IDs
9. Find screenshot from step 2
10. Overwrite values on the on board computer with the values from step 2
11. On board computer can now relate to your summer tires and you can read the pressure
12. Same dance each time you change tires twice a year :)
Zoe / Sv: My Renault app
tirsdag 03. desember 2019, klokken 09:06
What I miss the most in the new app is the charging history, and the possibility to force the charge to start right away if the car is plugged in but programmed to start later.
The new app also gives you the reading of the km from the odometer. It updates around once a day. Useless but fun ;)
So far I am using the app against my R110 and it is working fine.
As I understand, I will be able to push trips and stuff to the Easy Link in the car when I get the new one.
Zoe / Sv: My Renault app
mandag 02. desember 2019, klokken 21:47
A lot is the same...
The biggest feature you would miss is the trip planner.
Zoe / Sv: My Renault app
mandag 02. desember 2019, klokken 17:28
Can it be that  you are entering the letter O when you should enter the digit zero or something like that?
Zoe / Sv: My Renault app
mandag 02. desember 2019, klokken 16:03
You can try from here and see if you can set the pre-conditionning:
Zoe / Sv: My Renault app
mandag 02. desember 2019, klokken 15:32
Try to go there and create an account:

But it does not seem to work at the moment.

The account I have from works so I have no problems.

The new app is quite nice :)
Some new features, and some missing ones from ZE Online, like charging history.
Zoe / Sv: My Renault app
mandag 02. desember 2019, klokken 13:34
Patience does get reward... :)

MY Renault Norge – Apps on Google Play
Zoe / Sv: Leveringstid Renualt Zoe Z.E 50
torsdag 28. november 2019, klokken 15:44
I had a look on the French forum today and it is very clear that they already delivered and registered a bunch of Zoes to French customers (so they are registered as 2019 models) but the cars are kept at the dealerships and waiting for the software updates (3 of them apparently).
I also read that these updates might be ready during week 50...

So let's see :)
Zoe / Sv: Leveringstid Renualt Zoe Z.E 50
onsdag 27. november 2019, klokken 09:36
I have a direct contact at Renault in Paris and he is assuring me that this is a pure software project going overtime or finding problems late in the release cycle.
He is also telling me that Renault will have no problem reaching its quotas for 2020 anyway.
So I am not too convinced by the "conspiracy"...
But I don't know for sure ;)
Zoe / Sv: Overwriting TPMS IDs via CanZE
søndag 24. november 2019, klokken 21:27
The latest version of CanZE ( 1.48) allows to write the TPMS IDs, but you have to write them one at a time.
More info at the end of the thread for the bug report:
Basically, you can skip valves by entering value 0
Zoe / Sv: Overwriting TPMS IDs via CanZE
mandag 18. november 2019, klokken 21:34
Dont! It made it worse.
Follow the link to issue 577 above
Zoe / Sv: My Renault app
onsdag 13. november 2019, klokken 10:31
Still working for me at the moment.
But the car does not send data to the server all the time.
Only every 15 min (if I remember correctly) when it is on.
Or when it starts/stops charging.
Or when you switch it off.
Zoe / Sv: My Renault app
onsdag 13. november 2019, klokken 09:55
And I got an email today :)
Appen MY Z.E. Services vil snart bli inaktiv og erstattet med den helt nye appen MY Renault.
Looks like we are getting there, finally...
Zoe / Sv: My Renault app
tirsdag 12. november 2019, klokken 19:54
I read that some UK users of the My Renault app got the message that it will be down tomorrow for maintenance.
Maybe we will finally get it for Norway soon then :)
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