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Zoe / Battery capacity left inaccurately reported
onsdag 31. oktober 2018, klokken 11:41

I have noticed that after a "long drive" (say more than 30 km at least, but more like 50+ km), the reading of the SoC varies between the moment I stop the car and the moment I use it again several hours later.
The typical example is what happened to me yesterday. I left home I had 48% left. When I got back after 30 min drive I had 22% left. But when the car started charging 3h later (via timer), it started with 29% left.
And this is somehow explained by the fact that the battery pack is an analogue thing and that voltages have to equalize between all the cells and so on. So I am not too surprised that it works like this.
But I have 2 questions:
1. Do all the cars have the same behaviour? Or are the other cars better at "estimating"?
2. Does the reading get more accurate as we get closer to an empty battery? Indeed, I know that when the car stops because of an empty battery pack, it does get a few percentage points back after a while and one car hopefully reach the nearest charger. But I am wondering if the inaccuracy is still between 5 and 10% as one gets closer to 0% SOC.

Thanks for the feedback!
Zoe / Wrong registration data at Vegvesen
tirsdag 28. august 2018, klokken 09:21
I always wondered why many people are writing the wrong information when selling their Zoé on
For example, the title of the ad often reads "Renault Zoe ZOE 43KW 2017", like this one:

Now indeed, if one checks at, in the Motor category, it reads "Motorytelse/effekt 43.00 KW (58 HK) "

So I think Finn is just fetching data from Vegvesen when one creates the ad and just types the registration number.

All this to ask the question: How can Vegvesen get it so wrong?

I assume that by 43 KW they are referring to the battery pack. The engine itself being 66 kW or around 90 HP.

To add to my assumption, I see they use 23.3 KW for a R240 so they are definitely using the battery capacity...

Can we just send them an email and ask for a correction? Or is there a more complicated process for this kind of error?
It is a well known fact that the Ioniq charges fast at pretty much any temperature and up to a quite high SoC.
On the other hand, the new Leaf for example, charges quite slow in comparison.

I am wondering if, all things being equal (e.g lack of thermal management for the Leaf), the Ioniq is pushing the limits of chemistry in order to achieve its speed and that this will show in a poorer SoH in the longer run.

What to you guys think?

P.S: I took the Leaf and the Ioniq as examples, so the questions is basically this: are some manufacturers a bit less careful (or too optimistic) for some short term gains and long term losses?
I noticed that on my Zoe, even though I let it charge till full, it is not always that I get 100%.
I understand that after the charging is completed, the battery stabilizes itself with time and the final results can be 98 or 99%. Maybe a bit less during winter.

But I have 2 questions:
1. Would it make sense for the car to try charging again after a while in order to reach 100%, say after 12h or 24h? This way, it would also ensure that the car is fully charged even if left unused for several days.
2. Do other cars do that? Or all the cars charge till 100% and leave it at that till the cable is manually removed and plugged back in?

Zoe / Pre-conditioning after heating system upgrade
mandag 22. januar 2018, klokken 08:52

I got the heating system (varmeapparat) upgraded under warranty a couple of weeks ago.
They upgraded the software but also changed some part in order to prevent the problem when you pre-condition twice without starting the car.
Since then, the temperature is much cooler in the car when the pre-conditioning is done.

Is this a known side effect of the upgrade?
Or was I the only one with a really warm car in the morning?  8)
Zoe / AC vs no AC during winter
lørdag 16. desember 2017, klokken 08:52

What are the pros and cons of using AC during the winter to heat the car?
Which alternatives is less energy consuming? Aren't they the same since the heat comes from the heat pump anyway?
Is the heat more even with AC?
Is the temperature control in the car more precise?
Less cold air on the feet?

Ladeplasser og ladekabler / Extension cable for Type 2
mandag 28. august 2017, klokken 17:06

I have a question regarding extending a Type 2 cable...
I tried to use my normal Type 2 to Type 2 cable which I usually use between my home charger and the car as an extension cable together with a Zaptec adapter so I could reach my car when the schucko electrical socket is too far.
But it did not work :(
It looked like I could not connect the 2 cables all the way in in order for all the pins to connect to each other.

Are these cables made in such a way that this is not possible?
Does one have to buy special Type 2 to Type 2 cables which are specially made for being used as an extension?
Would it work had I used 2 normal Type 2 to Type 2 cables instead?

Zoe / R-Link reset
onsdag 07. desember 2016, klokken 17:18
Did anyone experience problems with their R-Link system/onscreen apps that rendered the system unusable?

I recently got into trouble with everything multimedia related...
The Energy Flow "app" did not work ("Cannot display video" was the error message), the rear camera picture was just completely black, the video and picture menu in Multimedia were locked.

The only solution I found was to remove the R-Link fuse and put it back in to force a hard reset...
Zoe / Renault Zoe charge time calculator
tirsdag 01. november 2016, klokken 12:16
Here is an article with some interesting conclusions:

The Q90 is slower to charge than the R90 for 7 kW and lower (from 0 to 80 %).
Up to 80 min difference when charging with 3 kW (14A) and 260 min with 2 kW (10A)

Obviously it is much faster when using 43 kW :)
Zoe / Charging: long term Renault strategy
søndag 23. oktober 2016, klokken 16:16
I found an article giving us more details about the longer term strategy Renault has for charging.
According to the article (in French, sorry:, Renault will keep the 22 kW AC charging (cheap and flexible), but will also support the Combo 2 norm for high speed DC charging of 100 kW and above.
No details are given when it comes to when all this will be available but the author dares guestimating that the next  Zoé (he calls it the Zoé 2.0) might have it.
This article is based on a interview with Eric Feunteun, head of electrical vehicles development at Renault.
Zoe / Keeping the wipers in the vertical position
fredag 16. september 2016, klokken 21:21

I just can not figure out how to get the wipers for the windscreen to stop in the vertical position.
This is very useful when one wants to change them, or during the winter so they do not stick to the glass as everything freezes...

On my previous car, the trick was to activate the wipers just once right after the car was stopped.

Does Anyone have the solution?  :)
Zoe / How to easily see percentage of battery/charge left?
søndag 04. september 2016, klokken 13:18

While driving, the dashboard shows the battery icon on the left side with the estimated range at that given time (which varies according to the real time consumption of the last minutes/kilometers).
This icon also show how much of the battery is left but it is not very precise.
I would much rather have the exact percentage easily available at all times.
The only way I know how to get this percentage is when I unlock the car and open the door! Then the dashboard powers up, the rotating Zoe icon appears and then I get to see the percentage of remaining battery for a little while.

Does anyone know how to get this value while driving, or even better, how to have it displayed permanently?

Zoe / Problem with the new Oslo chargers
onsdag 31. august 2016, klokken 08:17

I will write in English but please feel free to answer in Norwegian :)

I am a new member of Norsk elbilforening and I am also a new el-bilist and a Renault Zoe owner.

I can charge without any problem at the Fortum chargers, at Colloseum parking lot, at Alnasenter
parking lot but I do not seem to manage to charge at the chargers at Kongens P-plass Frognerkilen, Oslo (Frognerstranda 4)
Here is the URL:

They are of this type:
Bruksanvisning for nye ladepunkt i Oslo

I use the brikke with RFID I got with my start pack from elbilforeningen.
I am pretty sure I registered it correctly and it should be activated.

When I use the charger, everything looks fine, I get to the point where the upper left icon (the
battery symbol) turns blue as it should.
But after a while I just get an error message in my car saying "Charging impossible, check charging
post for errors".
I tried several chargers at that parking lot with the same result.

So any tips from your side are welcome

Is it that this type of chargers is not compatible with the Zoe?
Is it that my RFID is not registered or enabled properly?

Thanks in advance!
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