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Zoe / Sv: Fra ZE40 til ZE50 - Noen spørsmål og funderinger
mandag 08. april 2024, klokken 09:11
ZE40 has a 41 kWh usable battery. Probably closer to 45/46 with the buffers at the top and bottom.
ZE50 has a 52 kWh usable battery, 56-ish real size.

But to be able to use the full usable capacity, the battery pack needs to be at the right temperature, which is quite high actually, like around 25C.

So during winter, it is quite common to have only some of it available. One can easily lose 10% when it is cold. You can see it very clearly if you plug in the OBDII dongle and use CanZE. It shows you the total current capacity and how many kWh you have left out of that.

Also the colder the battery pack, the more internal resistance, and hence the higher the consumption.
Add to this the higher rolling resistance of the winter tires and the cold air, the wet/snowy roads, and more need to heating the cabin, the result is then quite different compared to perfect summer conditions ;)
Zoe / Sv: Fra ZE40 til ZE50 - Noen spørsmål og funderinger
søndag 07. april 2024, klokken 15:15
Sitat fra: Svein_H på søndag 07. april 2024, klokken 13:59Vi får se hva de sier etter diagnosen i morgen, men det er jo ikke noe gøy å oppleve slike irriterende feil rett etter at man har hentet en bil som er kun 3 år gammel.

I agree, the garage should have test driven the car... But I guess they do not have the time/resources to do that and you end up being the tester yourself  :P  :(

Sitat fra: Svein_H på søndag 07. april 2024, klokken 13:59Hvis det stemmer at den lader ca 7% (3,64kWh) i timen er jeg veldig fornøyd med det, det betyr jo da at den lader mye mer effektivt og med mindre tap enn min gamle ZE40 (har fortsatt den samme Zaptec'en). Samtidig har også timesmaks som netteier registrerer gått noe ned under ladingen, det var derfor jeg ble litt overrasket over tallene. 3,64kW må jo være opp mot maks av hva man kan få ut av en 16A kurs.

I am a bit surprised that you get a better charging speed with the Zaptec compared to the PodPoint I have. Both use 16A in and I would have guessed that the PodPoint is more efficient since there is no fan in it to cool it down...
So you might have been lucky getting 7% an hour... Time will tell :)

With the AC to DC conversion, you get roughly 3 kW in the battery pack if you get 3.6 kW from the charger.

Sitat fra: Svein_H på søndag 07. april 2024, klokken 13:59Ser at fanen "Mine varsler" i appen fortsatt er helt blank, selv etter at jeg har logget ut og inn igjen. Er det ikke lenger mulig å aktivere SMS-varsler til mobilen, eller er det bare appen min som er treig?

It comes back to me know that the ZE50 does not have the SMS updates anymore. This was discontinued compared to the ZE40. But if your app is configured properly, you should get the charge start/stop notifications via the app on your phone. Make sure you have the latest version of the app.
I have it and on Android there is no "My Notifications" tab. But maybe you have an iPhone and it is different there.

Also have a look at this thread I started in 2020, in case you find something interesting there :)

Zoe / Sv: Fra ZE40 til ZE50 - Noen spørsmål og funderinger
søndag 07. april 2024, klokken 11:49
Terribly sorry to hear you are having problems with your ZE 50 :(

Sitat fra: Svein_H på lørdag 06. april 2024, klokken 13:44Videre lurer jeg på hva som er netto batteristørrelse, er det 52kWh? Jeg har registrert data manuelt siden jeg fikk den (da det ikke har vært tilgjengelig i appen), og nå i helga registrerte bilen at den  gikk fra 22% til 78% i løpet av 8 timer på en 16A kurs. Er ikke det litt voldsomt? Netteieren min registrerte totalt 42,39kWh i løpet av disse 8 timene, alt annet strømforbruk inkludert.

En annen ting er rekkevidden på gjettometeret. Selv etter nullstilling av kjørecomputeren har jeg ikke fått mer enn maks 275km ved 98%, og det er langt unna WLTP-tallet på 386. Kan det ligge igjen noe gamle data etter nullstillingen her, og hvordan får jeg ev. slette disse?

The usable size of your battery should be 52 kWh indeed. It should say in the side the driver door, when you open it. You have a label there.
8h to get 56% is not bad at all. That give you around 7% per hour. I get 6% with my PodPoint/16A charger.

I do not think you can reset the consumption buffer completely so resetting the on board computer for this will not help so much. Your range, both real and at the guess-o-meter will improve as you drive and the temperatures get higher and you put your summer tires one :)
Zoe / Sv: Fin liten bil
fredag 22. mars 2024, klokken 18:24
So? This ZE50? Much better right? :)
Zoe / Sv: Fin liten bil
torsdag 21. mars 2024, klokken 17:15
No arguments from me... The UCase will charge at max 10A no matter which plug you use as soon at the fan starts :(
During my tests, with the Type 2 plug, it starts sending 3 kW but goes down to 2 kW as soon as the fan starts. And then things gets sloooow since the efficiency to the battery goes down even more as the input decreases to 2 kW.
3.6 kW out of the UCase gives around 3 kW in the battery after AC/DC conversion.
2 kW out of the UCase gives around 1.7 kW in the battery after AC/DC conversion.
So almost twice as slow!
Zoe / Sv: Fin liten bil
torsdag 21. mars 2024, klokken 09:55
Thanks! Good to hear elbilmek had a good offer!
Zoe / Sv: Fin liten bil
torsdag 21. mars 2024, klokken 09:00
Any news from elbilmek and repairing the R90?
Zoe / Sv: Fin liten bil
onsdag 20. mars 2024, klokken 16:20
How nice to hear this from you @Svein_H :)
Good luck with finding a nice ZE50, which will make up for the old ZE40 I hope!

If you buy one from a garage, I would recommend making sure all the firmwares are updated!
It took a few iterations to iron out all the bugs ;)
Zoe / Sv: Fin liten bil
onsdag 20. mars 2024, klokken 08:44
I wholeheartedly agreed with you :P
When I test drove the ZE50, I just had to buy one and trade in my ZE40 which was barely a year old  :D  :angel:
Zoe / Sv: Berging for første gang, men ikke siste..?
lørdag 16. mars 2024, klokken 09:27
For that much money, why not a Megane E-Tech?
Zoe / Sv: Berging for første gang, men ikke siste..?
fredag 15. mars 2024, klokken 13:37
How much was it for a e208? 380k seems high...
What about the Cupra?
And are we talking everything included, like summer tires and so on?
Zoe / Sv: Berging for første gang, men ikke siste..?
torsdag 14. mars 2024, klokken 10:52
A Zoe ZE 50?  :P  :D
I am quite happy with mine, and I hope your current problems with the R90 are a rare occurrence  :)  ;D  :angel:
Zoe / Sv: Berging for første gang, men ikke siste..?
onsdag 13. mars 2024, klokken 17:02

They are partners with Tesla Bjørn :)

Do you know what died exactly on your R90?
Scenic E-Tech electric / Sv: Renault Scenic e-tech
fredag 16. februar 2024, klokken 08:44
Sitat fra: automat på torsdag 15. februar 2024, klokken 21:43De har plassert ladeluka på høyre forskjerm, av alle idiotiske steder.

Det stod at man kunne få 22kW lader som tilvalg. Får håpe at bilen ikke har samme lader som Zoe, som ikke kan lade på norsk IT-nett.

They do not use the Cameleon built-in charger anymore, so IT charging is not a problem anymore :)
Zoe / Sv: Check Electric System - Et typisk 12V batteri problem
søndag 07. januar 2024, klokken 12:48
Just switch the car "on" with the usual "Brake pedal + Start button". This will charge the 12V battery even if you are not driving around.
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