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Meldinger - BauDemo

Kjøp og salg av elbiler/elkjøretøy / Sv: RAV4 EV for sale - SOLD!
tirsdag 04. august 2009, klokken 21:37
Kjøp og salg av elbiler/elkjøretøy / Sv: RAV4 EV for sale - SOLD!
tirsdag 04. august 2009, klokken 10:51
Not really. Should I? ;-)
The car is sold! Subject changed accordingly.
Thanks for the feedback!
I thought that I fixed this.
What is the version of the program you run? You can see the version when you start the application - on the splash screen.
Kjøp og salg av elbiler/elkjøretøy / Sv: RAV4 EV for sale
tirsdag 21. juli 2009, klokken 15:40
You are like one big family! ;-)
By the way - could not find a "for sale" section in the new forum. Did I miss it?

Kjøp og salg av elbiler/elkjøretøy / RAV4 EV for sale - SOLD!
torsdag 16. juli 2009, klokken 11:37
I have put a RAV4 EV for sale.

Here is the add

More photos here:

Could not find a place to put this in the new forum... maybe I missed it.
I am not used to the wiki style and my Norwegian is non-existent.
Thanks for putting the info on the wiki!
Great work Hans!
I finally found the time to dig out one of the palms ac adapters - it was rated 1A at 5V. It is probably over dimensioned.
Did you measure any difference with the backlight on and off?
I changed my disks and pads last week.
I got my disks from biltema - 64-553 (Peugeot 106).
I got my pads from meconomen, but after I bought them there I discovered that they are the same as biltema 65-9090 (Peugeot 405).
Hope this helps!

Hmmm... a lot of posts about charging.
Keep in mind that if the charging of the palm works when you plug the palm cable to the usb port of your computer, then your palm cable is fine. 
Another way to test your palm cable is to plug the usb in to a usb car charger - like the one from clasohlson or biltema ( 

Hans - 20mA is way too low, I am not sure it is really charging anything. I need to double check but the car charger I sent is 500mA or 1A rated, I have not measured the current requirement of the palm. Are the 20mA measured on the 12V side of your converter or on the 5V side?
Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Sv: "Sport" breaks
mandag 08. juni 2009, klokken 17:44
I had to change the disks - and while browsing the shelvs for the correct article number in biltema I saw a can of paint (art# 36-336) - they do not have that on the internet site, but if you ask for "bromsoksfärg" I am sure they will find it. The can was 90kr approx and should be enough for 4 wheels. There were blue, yellow, black, red and silver.
It was very easy to paint - I bought the breaks cleaning spray from biltema and used a steel brush to clean before painting. Then I masked the areas not to be painted and did a two layers with 40min wating to dry inbetween. We will see how long it lasts.

Thanks for the tip Ken! Unfortunately my car had been standing still 3 years before I bought it, so there was lots of rust on the disks. The new ones costed 180kr a piece in biltema.

Here is one more photo after the first layer - with some masking tape.
Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / "Sport" breaks
søndag 07. juni 2009, klokken 11:08
My car did not clear the test this year - the break disks were too rusty.
So I bought new disks, and new break pads.
And decided since I am anyways going to get down there, I can as well try something new.
Here is the result...
This is really sad Baltor!
Two weeks ago on saturday night someone moved my car on the sidewalk. No serious damage, but very bad feeling.
I can help you with the palm, but have no idea about the window.
I always put the palm in the dorr's pocket when I leave the car for more then 15 min.
Sitat fra: dodger på torsdag 07. mai 2009, klokken 01:53
ligger prisen på nanosolar sine solcellepanel så lavt som 1USD per W.
You are comparing apples with oranges...
Wiki does not sell...
I also thought that it is a very good price... until I actually called them up and attempted to order at this price.
I got both the biltema and the clasohlson holders. I chose to go with the clasohlson one - the biltema one was a little too tight for the cable.
I am posting screenshot of the mounting.
Couple of screenshots of the improved interface custom designed font for the parameters.
There are also some fixes and some more new features.

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