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Meldinger - BauDemo

I have sent out version 1.5 of the "nikometer".
When log files are created with the new version all the parameter names and their units are written as the first line in the log.
The temperatures are also properly written, and there are some improvements in many areas.
I am planning to put the program for download once I can confirm that eventual bugs are fixed, but if you want to give it a try, and are not afraid of bugs, let me know and I can send you a copy.
now another question - when is the normal charge done?
I thought that the charge is ready when the light stops flashing... but today while experimenting I noticed that the charge light on the dash has stopped flashing and was constantly on. I thought that the charge was ready, but noticed that the charger continued to put 5A in the battery. I did not have time to wait on it...
So, what is the deal here? When is the charge ready?
Thanks elektrolux!
I am not sure I understand:
Sitatbut if you wait with plugging in this also means people can drive to apropriate place to activate maintenence charge, drive home, and then start maintenence charge.
Is this the way it works now?
I don't plan to reprogram how the cars bms or charger work, I am interested how does it work now.
Very interesting reading...
I have couple of more questions:
- if you start the car (key is on) and connect to the BMS and
activate maintenance charge, then you still keep the car on and not plugged
for charging. Now you connect to the charger (with FR2000) - does the
charger report maintenance charging as ON?
- if you activate maintenance charge and then plug the car, then unplug the
car after say 2Ah charge, is the maintenace charge canceled?
- if you activate maintenance charge when the SOC of say 70%, and start
charging, then connect to the charger with the FR2000, does the FR2000
report that this is maintenace charge directly or start after 100% SOC
is reached?
nikometer is not reporting correctly the state, and I need some help figuring this out...
I can confirm what Lynet wrote - you guys are too fast for me to respond.
Keep in mind that some of the status parameters do not display properly.
AE is containing a debug value and will be removed once I have figured out all of the status parameters.
Thanks for the answers... I am still confused though.
What is the reason for the maintenance charge?
Is it to get the battery pack to certain temperature (what temperature?) so we can do water fill?
Or is it to equalize the pack?
If I am to stop maintenance charge at say 36Ah what is the criteria that I should use?
Actually I am working on a very small function that may write the paramter names and units to the card once a card is inserted.
You can also use the parameter list presented when you tap on the view block to fill out the blanks in the list too...
I completed maintenance charge for my Think yesterday.
The resources available in the wiki were fantastic.
I used the procedure as described here:
Thanks to Ken for hand-holding me while finding compatible water filling equipment.
Couple of things that I think would be great if added to the wiki pages:
- point 12 "Ekstra Kjøling/ Varming.." I don't really understand -is it possible for the person performing the maintenance charge to influence in some way - is there any option in the car I missed?
- point 13 "Vedl.lading er ferdig etter 50 Ah overladet..." - to me it sounded like if the 50Ah was reached I have to remove the cable... but my car stopped the charge at 51Ah. So an addition that clarifies if one should proceed to unplug the car once 50Ah have been reached, or not would have been nice.

At the end of the charge my battery pack reached 40C. The water-fill took about 9kg of water. The overcharged since last water-fill was 670Ah. Is 9kg of water good?

On a side note - this was the final test for the water filling function with nikometer. I still need to write some documentation about it, but if you are in need of water fill now, and you have Think EV Monitor (nikometer) you can get the beta version. The version also does the other check functions (for SOC indicator, for maintenance lamp, fans, etc.)

Thanks again to everyone who helped!
Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Sv: suddenly weaker battery
mandag 21. desember 2009, klokken 21:33
I have not experienced the symptoms you describe. Maybe some of the other more experienced guys on the forum can have this a go.

I would suggest that the first thing to do is to find exactly what is it that is wrong with your car.
"battery is faulty" is a very generic description - did the guy say more? What is faulty? How did he discover that the battery was faulty?
Rav4_EV is correct - this is my fault - bad programming.
Easy to fix, I will send a new version out very soon.

The real value is what you see in the display - 255. So if you see 251, the real temperature read would be 251-255 = -4 degrees.

Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Sv: Vannpumpe.
onsdag 25. november 2009, klokken 00:01
I have now been driving 1 week with the replaced pump. I have some photos and other stuff that can make such replacement easier - should I post them here?
Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Sv: Ladekontakt Think
tirsdag 17. november 2009, klokken 16:42
The installation is now complete.
I did not find a place to buy the cable terminals, and ended up using normal ones.
Here is a photo of the original ones:

Where did you buy new cable terminals?
Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Sv: Ladekontakt Think
fredag 13. november 2009, klokken 18:28
I found a kit at mekonomen - art. # 27-DA460787
I will be getting it tomorrow and try to install it on my Think.
Avansert: Avanserte reparasjoner / Sv: Alternative Vannpumper
torsdag 29. oktober 2009, klokken 10:23
Can you please take a photo of any markings on the original pump you tested with?
Pierburg has several different models... maybe some of them would match?
Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Sv: Palm batteri
torsdag 24. september 2009, klokken 10:36
I found a relatively cheap source for usb car charger and usb extension cable - so the palm can be charged and used at the same time while in the car.
I have ordered a set of charger and extension cable for everyone running the EV Monitor. If you have not received an e-mail from me, please contact me and I will make sure I have not missed you.
Hopefully this will eliminate the palm power issues some of you have.
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