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Meldinger - BauDemo

It will be hard to guess what it could be.
Please publish here a screenshot from CHAS when the car has a charged 12V battery and the start key is in position II.
I think you can do that yourself... but you need to build a cable... and there was some kind of code.
"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Sv: Think Tech centre
tirsdag 14. januar 2020, klokken 12:39
Maybe look at the data that CHAS shows you and try to analyse it?
For example look at the fault code bytes.
"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Sv: grease fittings?
torsdag 28. november 2019, klokken 11:10
Is this upgrade easy to make?
What parts did you use?
Any photos, directions, biltema partnumbers?
"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / grease fittings?
mandag 25. november 2019, klokken 17:55
Are these "grease fittings" something that could/should be mounted on the Think?
"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Sv: BMI ZEBRA frågor
mandag 18. november 2019, klokken 16:48
Where in Sweden do you live?
Ladeplasser og ladekabler / Vi har det bra...
tirsdag 12. november 2019, klokken 20:13
... i vissa länder slåss man om laddare
Use the CHAS worry!

Sitat fra: pexic på lørdag 02. november 2019, klokken 17:24
You have to use CHAS, this is your destiny :) It is not that hard, we will help you ;)
Finns i Sverige - kan skickas.
Högsta bud över 3500 norska kr.
Om du är händig kan du testa att köra CHAS uppkopplat till PCUn och se om det kommer några felkoder.
Thank you for the photo.
I adjusted it a bit to make the opening more visible.
Great work! I have been thinking of adding a fan too, but on the wall that would match the opening in the car chassis that is behind the passenger door. I think this opening is in light beige color in the last photo you uploaded.
Have you cut a hole in the chassis? Or maybe there is already opening there that I have missed?
Thanks for the help!
I will first try to repair and then explore any additional leads.
I am looking for alternatives to fix my cracked panel.
Have any of you in Europe by any chance a roof panel?
Ideally blue in color and with opening for sunroof, but even other colors and with no opening would be fine.

First things first.
What errors do you get in the PCU? (with CHAS)
What errors do you get from the battery? (with comtool)

I am not sure how you managed to get one of these Thinks to work - both of them show minimum cell voltage 0V.

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