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Meldinger - B_Tesla

Model S 2013 - 2022 / Sv: Beste skriveri for elbil ever!
onsdag 22. april 2015, klokken 12:19
Har ikke noe sted å laste det opp, men her er et raskt forsøk. Utgangspunkt er Google Translat, etterfulgt av at jeg har gått over. Forslag til forbedring mottas med takk. Gjort noen små omskrivninger.


Petrol car test drive

Having heard so much good about petrol cars, we decided to test drive one.  They are said to combine cheap price with long range and fast charging.  A winning formula on paper - but how are they in real life?

We sat in the loaner car at the car salesman.  Automakers does not sell the cars themselves, but it is independent chains of dealers that are middleman and sell the cars.  They are called car dealers. It may sound like a bad omen to buy the car from a car dealer that you are keen to visit as often as possible.  But you obviously can not buy the car directly from the manufacturer, but must go through such intermediaries.  The seller was very "pushing" and wished that we should by car immediately, but the response is perhaps better elsewhere.

We sat in the car as I said, pressing START.  The car's gasoline engine coughed, and then started running.  One could hear the engine sound and the whole body vibrated as if something had broken, but the seller assured us that everything was as it should.  The car had admittedly an electric motor and a microscopically small battery, but they are only used to start the petrol engine - the electric motor does not drive the wheels.  The petrol engine then uses a tank full of gasoline, a fossil liquid, to propel the car by exploding small drops of it.  It is apparently the small explosions that you hear and feel when the engine is running.

The petrol engine consists of literally hundreds of moving parts that must have a tolerance of hundredths of a millimeter to function.  We begin to understand why there are shops that sell the cars - they might hope for something breaking in the car, so they can fix it?

We put the car in gear and drove off with a jerk.  The jerk came not because of any extreme acceleration,  gasoline engines apparently are much more jerky than electric motors.  A rapid acceleration did not occur at all, because we could not get the car to go faster than 40 km/h!  By then the petrol engine made a literally deafening sound, and the whole car shook violently.  Convinced that something must have gone wrong, we stopped the car.  The seller then explained that the gasoline engine must be "toggled" on a regular basis.  Between the engine and the wheels there is not a fixed ratio, but a variable - not dynamic, but in steps. The motor can power only in a limited speed range, and must therefore be switched using different ratios for the wheels to continue to accelerate.  There are 5 different rations we can choose with increasing speed as a result.  It is - as we got to find out - also very important that you at any given moment select a suitable gear, otherwise the engine will either stall or even get seriously damaged!  After a lot of training however, I got used to selecting the right ratio at the right time - and there are also automatic switches that can do things themselves.  In the manual transmission car, we were always needed to guard the engine from damage.  Very stressful indeed.

We asked if the constant sound of the engine – which frankly disturbed the sound picture from the radio. Was possible to turn off.  But it was not actually.  Very distracting.

After getting the car up to speed through the intricate changing of ratios we approached then a traffic light.  To release the gas produced no significant braking power, we had to use the brake pedal very much to slow down the car.  Surprised we heard that the brakes are completely mechanical!  The only thing they generate is heat - braking gives no feedback of gasoline into the tank!  Sounds like a huge waste, but it was even worse would we find out.

When we got to a complete stop the car continued to shake and make noise - even though the car was standing still!  The engine continued to burn gasoline without moving the car forward.  Can it really be true?  Well, explained the seller, it is so with gasoline cars the engine is always running and burning gasoline even when the car is stationary.  Some models, however, turns off the engine at a red light, he explained - certainly sounds more sensible.

After a while we came to a gas station where we could charge the car.  The car claimed that it still had half tank left, but we wanted to try the famous super-fast charging of petrol cars!

So we drove to the gas station and opened the fuel cap.  The filling nozzle is very reminiscent of a charging cable, but it is not electrons that come out of it, it is gasoline.  Gasoline is a highly carcinogenic, smelly and flammable liquid derived from millions of years ago extinct plants and animals.  Some countries has no mining of this material, so gasoline must be imported from other countries.  Several of the countries that export fossil oil and gasoline are politically very unstable.  The gasoline is pumped to a tank in the car, which then drive around with about 60 liters of hazardous liquid sloshing in it.

We put the nozzle of the hose in to the car, but nothing happened.  The seller then explained that we must pay to refuel!  Much like some of those extremely expensive fast chargers that some utility companies have set up.  After we pulled the credit card in the reader, it started to refuel.  It went extremely fast!  In only a few minutes the car was filled to the max!  But there were two counters at the pump: one that showed the number of volumes we refueled, and one that showed how much it cost us.  And the cost counter was spinning so fast that we could hardly keep up with the pace!  Sure we filled the tank full in two minutes, but it cost us an unbelievable 75 dollars!  A full charge would thus cost us double that - the whole 15 dollars!  We cursed us that we apparently chose one of the most expensive sugar places in the country and began to ask the seller after what options there are?  How much does it cost to fill up at home, and how many free sites are there?

The seller looked very strange to us and explained that it is not possible to refuel gasoline cars at home, and there are no free gas stations.  We tried to explain our question if he had misunderstood, but he insisted that it can not.  Apparently you have to several times a month to go to the gas station to recharge their petrol car at extortionate prices - there is no alternative! We thought it sounded very strange that no gasoline car manufacturers launched their own free gas stations?

There are no gas stations where you can fill up slowly at cheaper price.  We started counting on petrol versus gasoline consumption and came to the shocking conclusion that a petrol costs unimaginable $20/100km!  Sure, electric cars also come up to these amounts if it charges very quickly in one of the most expensive loading stations in the country - but for petrol cars no cheaper alternative!  While charging the electric car comfortably at home every night for one tenth of the cost, petrol car must ride detours several times a month to search for these extortionate - without exception!  Monthly cost for a petrol car can - just in petrol cost - easily exceed one 100 dollars! We begin to understand why they are so cheap to purchase - the operation's extremely expensive instead.

We also began to understand why there should be so extremely many petrol stations everywhere, on all petrol motorists always have to go to them to refuel.  Imagine if you could only charge your electric car just by the power companies, the most expensive fast chargers - and nowhere else!

With this in mind, we ended up in a traffic jam and was horrified that the gasoline engine continued to burn these expensive gasoline drops even when the car was standing still or moving very slowly.  With gasoline vehicles, it is easy to run into cost-anxiety - the feeling that the car literally burn up your money!  No cheap home charging and no regeneration of gasoline to the fuel tank when braking sounds like economic madness - especially given that all gasoline must be imported from abroad.

We returned the car to the dealer's premises, pulled the handbrake and step out of the car.  The petrol engine continued to run!  One must evidently manually switch off the combustion of the precious liquid.  But we wanted to see the petrol engine, so the seller opened the bonnet.  The entire front portion of the car was completely cluttered with hoses, fittings, fluid, and amid all a huge shaking iron blocks that formed apparently the motor frame.  There was not even a shred of trunk forward in the car!  Despite its enormous size, high noise and vibration, the engine barely provide over a hundred horsepower.  The engine was additionally sizzling hot, we even burned ourselves on it when we touched it.  Although it was a summer hot day, so the engine did not generate heat to heat the passenger compartment.

Speaking of the cabin, we were worried about what would happen if it collided with petrol car?  Cast iron block that occupied most of the engine compartment was sitting in the middle of the collision zone!  Where would it go if we collided - one would get it in your lap?  The salesman assured us that the engine in that case folds down under the car but we could not escape the impression that the engine block was very much in the way at the front - safety beams were built around it, which of course certainly impair their functionality.  By avoiding that one hundred kilograms heavy iron lump in the front of the car, it must be much easier to build crashworthy cars.  Additionally, we have heard and seen on the Internet hundreds of pictures and movies on burning gasoline cars.  The petrol tank runs apparently often leak after an accident so the flammable liquid flows out and ignites!

From the engine and under the car towards the rear an exhaust system is running - a kind of chimney for engine exhaust.  When you burn the carcinogenic gasoline, it produces a lot of noxious gases.  The car clears away the worst of the most dangerous gases, but which is then released into the open air behind the car, it is still unhealthy to breathe - and smells very bad!  And petrol cars are allowed to emit these harmful gases in the midst of our cities?  Do not confuse petrol cars' exhaust pipes with fuel cell cars - while hydrogen powered fuel cell vehicles emit only water vapor, spewing gasoline cars out noxious gasses even fossil carbon dioxide that contribute to Earth's future catastrophic global warming!

We thanked the seller for the display, shook his head and returned the ignition key back (yes, it's called that) to him.  He probably realized that there would not be any business in this case.

On the way home in our electric, I saw with completely different eyes on my fellow commuters, who still have to put up with their gasoline cars.  But soon it is also their turn to trade up!

Model S 2013 - 2022 / Sv: Beste skriveri for elbil ever!
onsdag 22. april 2015, klokken 11:07
Gjør en rask en nå
Model S 2013 - 2022 / Sv: Ekstrem sensitiv skinn
onsdag 22. april 2015, klokken 09:07
Swisswax produkter er ikke billig noe av det. Men det er kvalitet, og meste av det er veldig drøyt. Så holder i lang tid. Generelt er det ikke uvanlig at relativt nye olabukser setter flekker i skinn dersom det er litt fukt. En dampet microklut kan fikse dette dersom man tar det fort i mange tilfeller. Men i alle tilfeller skal de gå bort med rett produkt. Hør evt med på mail for forslag.
TMS Hjul, dekk og felg. / Sv: En liten dekk- og felgguide
tirsdag 21. april 2015, klokken 14:15
Nå bor jeg I Trondheim, så godt innpå tosifra antall grader kan ta litt tid.... :P
TMS Hjul, dekk og felg. / Sv: En liten dekk- og felgguide
tirsdag 21. april 2015, klokken 10:16
Så at jeg nok hadde det litt gøy rett etter at jeg fikk bilen:) Var ikke VELDIG mye igjen på de R2 dekkene. Går helt flott en sesong til, med margin, men bytter nok etter neste år. Hadde en Toyota Camry fra 91' som ventebil, så gleden var stor da jeg fikk skikkelig bil igjen.

Får dra på litt ut av kryssene med CCC5, slik at de blir litt mer stille:)
Er ikke 100% sikkert at den går gjennom sikkerhetsglass. Denne er laget for formålet, samt har setebeltekutter. Har alltid 1 slik innenfor rekkevidde av sjofør. Du klarer å knuse vinduet uavhengig av om bilen da er fylt med vann. Du klarer også raskt å kutte setebeltet på barn/kone dersom de setter seg fast i kolisjonen.
Model S 2013 - 2022 / Sv: Hvor blir det av kondemnerte Model S'er?
tirsdag 21. april 2015, klokken 09:18
Sitat fra: Thomas Parsli på tirsdag 21. april 2015, klokken 08:48
...Tesla er deletilgangen så dårlig (i praksis ikke-eksisterende) at du ikke klarer å bygge opp igjenn en kondemnert bil.
Du får ikke startet en Tesla som har vært i alvorlig ulykke før Tesla aktiverer den igjen. Det har vært noen slike tilfeller i USA.
TMS Hjul, dekk og felg. / Sv: En liten dekk- og felgguide
tirsdag 21. april 2015, klokken 09:14
Gikk igår fra Nokian R2 til Continental Conti Contact 5 (?). Slo meg hvor utrolig stille de R2 dekkene er. Hvertfall min oppfatning at det var litt forskjeld. Kanskje det endrer seg når jeg får kjørt noen km på de Conti Contact dekkene. Er fortsatt biter fra klistremerket på de.
Nødhammer er kritisk for å knuse en rute. Glem spark og slag, hammer eller slegge. Nødhammer er det som virker. Kostet ca 20,- på Biltema sist jeg kjøpte (noen år siden). Den har også setebelte kutter. En i nær familie var en av to som overlevde ulykke i vann. To siste satt fast i bilbelte. Billig forsikring.
Model S 2013 - 2022 / Sv: Nyere biler, kjipere speil?
mandag 20. april 2015, klokken 19:51
I så tilfelle er det ikke så dumt. For å klippe speilet medfører demontering av døren, samt en regning på 5860,- +lakk.
Sitat fra: Beachboy på søndag 19. april 2015, klokken 21:23
Den er på 13 a, men har ikke registrert noe svidd lukt foreløpig.

Vurderer blå kontakt, mn litt usikker på hvor mye det vil koste. Kan kun ha 230v.

Når du kjøper en bil til 600k og vurderer å bytte den i en til 900k, så er det kanskje greit å bruke 3000-5000 på en ok kontakt til å lade opp dyret med. Er den samme kostnaden som full tank 4-5 ganger.
Model S 2013 - 2022 / Sv: Oppgradere lys i bagasjerommene
lørdag 18. april 2015, klokken 23:28
Det fine med Sigurd sin løsning er at det er så utrolig lett å instalere, billig og bra resultat.
Model S 2013 - 2022 / Sv: Manglende fotoboksvarsling
torsdag 16. april 2015, klokken 22:46
En del produsenter ønsker heller ikke dette. De ser på det som politisk feil. Hjelpe folk til å kjøre for fort (satt på spissen).
Aner ikke. Men slo ikke sensoren din ut. Bør jo slå ut ASAP. Kan følggelig være et problem med dekkene som lå i bilen.
Jeg mener fosilbiler burde hatt et mye mer synlig forbruk. Mange biler kan lese dette, men er ikke presentert i nærheten så synlig som i Tesla. Tror mange hadde spart miljøet mye dersom de hadde sett effekten av kjørestilen sin (samt de hadde spart noen kroner). På min bil kan jeg nok velge en reduksjon på ca ca 20% bare ved å tenke litt. Det er et 20% kutt i CO2 på en fosil.
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