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Sitat fra: BauDemo på onsdag 01. juli 2020, klokken 12:48
you tried config composite command?
you restarted the board after the command?

Yep. That did not switch on my composite screen, how ever I did not test with vga, if that one did shut down with the command sent.

Sitat fra: BauDemo på tirsdag 30. juni 2020, klokken 16:50
Can you write a bit more on what you have tried, instead of me trying to guess what you did try and what you did not.

Sure, thanks for your reply

Reflash Duinomite with 4.3 and 4.4 fw
Re-write SD card with various versions of nikometer
Installing directly on the board
Cleaning the board from white powder from manufacturing
Call reseller and ask if this is heard of (nope)
Emailing Geoff with answer that recompiling the code you could switch of VGA permanent (not tried it)
Tried two different screens
Switch of VGA with tera term, yellow led goes out but then no video at all
Force composite with tera term - no difference
Tried pulling pin 19/20 up or down with no results

Next would be de solder the VGA connector from board to se of it shorts the ground signal making the board thing the screen is there.

If this is never heard of before chases my board is bad are quite high I think.
Hello guys!

With the cars are getting older and dies, also the forum activity goes down while the faults and errors are getting more and more complex....  :police:

I'm trying to get the duinomite to put out composite but it seems stuck in VGA mode. I have read various documentation and tried different commands in Tera-term and also gotten fast replies from Geoff in Oz.

Still no luck... any of you having the same issues and solved them?

As I understand it it's either VGA or Composite and VGA works. Seems stuck in VGA mode. This is controlled by checking for grounding in the VGA connector when the screen is plugged in. Maybe it's as easy as tracing the problem to a faulty soldering on the board?

Well, any way thought I would ask.

Thanks 1000 for all great posts over here.

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