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Meldinger - PRensel

I have one spare OVMS v2 box available if anyone is interested.
Remember that the heater is a PTC element and causing lesser and lesser amps withdrawn when heating up.
Lesser amps will cause the cell voltage to rise and could give wrong values between measuring individual cells.
The way to test them is according Saft specs to see how much charge they will hold.
I believe Saft recommends to discharge them at 0.2C (20A) CC (ConstantCurrent) until 4.9V and measure the withdrawn capacity at 5V. Doing a full recharge first. The best way to do a full recharge is with a charger that can detect NDV (Negative Delta Voltage).
This is a lengthy process taking about a day per cell so have fun the next 19 days :-)

The Saft cells are fully charged when about 7.6V resting voltage each and empty under 6V.
Any cell under 5.5V can be considered as garbage, defective, kaput.
When charging the cells they can reach a maximum of near 9V to get them 'balanced' (actually it is overcooking them until they are all even at a certain point)

So with 19 cells it is 144V and 114V is empty. Your voltage is under 114V so the BMS assumes it is empty. Probably caused by one or more defective cells.  Located these defective cells and replace them so you can keep on driving. Doing repetitive charges with one or more defective cells will damage other cells also (because the charger keeps on pushing upto 180V into the pack as a whole....)

The Think/Actia BMS uses this reduced power signal to control the power output of the Simotion inverter. Standard settings with full battery is 15% reduced power (so this means the Think was designed to never get full power) and the Simotion expects a 15% PWM signal. When the battery is nearing empty the BMS changes this PWM signal to a maximum of 85% meaning you only get 15% power when batteries are almost empty. These settings can be changed within the Siadis software. My Lithium converted Think is driving with 100% power (with PWM reduced power signal settings removed) and is pumping out over 60kWh a=t 198V :-)

Your low pack voltage is causing the BMS the sent out this 80% limited signal.

What type of battery are you using ?
Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Sv: Diagnostic tool needed
fredag 09. november 2018, klokken 21:11
Here's Nikos website, the EV monitor is on the bottom of the page. Contact him to see what is possible.
If you need a Palm device just let me know and i'll get you one for free but you need the serial cable also.!
Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Sv: Diagnostic tool needed
fredag 09. november 2018, klokken 17:14

There are some easy/cheap options to get the Think diagnosed.
Like Caspar mentioned the original Actia tool is very hard to get but it is not needed at all because I broke the original Siemens software last year. So diagnosing the Siemens inverter is no problem.
Diagnosing the Charger, BMS and covering the water-service can be done with for example the Palm solution from Niko.

The problem with the 'system fault, service required' message on the dash is that it can be triggered in four ways:
- fault signal from the Siemens inverter
- fault signal from the BMS
- fault signal from the charger
- fault signal from the DCDC converter

If you remove the nose/front you can pull the DCDC plug and the charger plug to see of the fault still exists.
If so the fault is triggered by the BMS or the inverter.
In almost all cases it is the BMS that is triggering the fault because of isolation errors, low voltages or expired water service.


I have seen one in Stavanger 3 weeks ago parked just outside the Airport.

"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Sv: Tesla powered think
torsdag 01. november 2018, klokken 21:42
I have for example these files:

This is the "Development' version:

Only Development (Possible to change parameters)


And this is the 'Production' version:

Production (Unchangeable parameters)


Here's a bad quality video of pulling 60kW from my Think A266 with 196V Leaf battery and modded firmware :-)


I'm looking for that yellow/orange colored Think as you can see in the back/outside of the second picture.
If anyone know where I can buy/find this color let me know, it is the only color that I dont have :-)
It doesnt matter if it runs or not, as long as all the body panels are present.

"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Sv: Tesla powered think
tirsdag 30. oktober 2018, klokken 19:09
Sitat fra: BauDemo på tirsdag 30. oktober 2018, klokken 12:34
There is a fast firmware for gen1.

You mean the 'development' versions of the Gen1 ?
Tidlige elbiler: Think / Sv: Demotere Think Classic
torsdag 11. oktober 2018, klokken 23:32
What color is the car/body ?

I recently 'found' a patched version of ZebraMonitor.
With this version you dont need the special codes from MES-DEA/Zebra to access some the special options like reset the SOC or to alter the % of faulty cells.

But remember that resetting an ISO fault is not safe and should be avoided anytime !!
Only use this version to reset the SOC when its out of range or to adjust the faulty cells from 10% to 15% or 20%. This way you can use your Zebra battery a bit longer (normal setting is that the battery stops when 10% of the cells are faulty).

If anyone is interested let me know so i can point to a download location...


"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Sv: Tesla powered think
lørdag 29. september 2018, klokken 09:41

I'm working on the same kind of project but instead using a full Nissan Leaf package.
It will physically fit perfect and I want to reuse the original Zebra BMI module connected to the Leaf cells instead of the Zebra cells. In theory it should work, only thing is that the Zebra BMI wants to heat up something and is using the same DC heater to measure the battery condition while charging it. So this needs some work to think about...
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