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Emner - Rosie1

Hyundai KONA / Bilstol
mandag 27. mai 2019, klokken 20:43
Sorry to write in English. Has anyone managed to fit 3 car seats in the back?
Thanks a lot!
Kjøpe elbil? / Elbil NOK 400,000
søndag 12. mai 2019, klokken 22:22
Hi all,

I am sorry to write in English. We've just moved to Oslo recently but please answer in either Norwegian or English. Admin please delete if English is not allowed.

I've been following this forum for a while and have found it extremely useful.

We have 2 small kids. We commute around 70- 80kms every day. We live in an apartment but I can charge at work 1-2 days/nights per week. Otherwise, we would be using fast charging.

Given that we can not charge at home I narrowed down my search to cars with a long range. Our maximum budget is around 400,000. I am thinking of either Tesla SR+ or Hyundai Kona from Finn. What speaks for Tesla is that it has more storage space and the supercharger network and that we don't have to look for a private seller but I didnt like the screen that much. Kona has a 40km longer range and the quality of built seems better. What are your views?

Is there any other car I should consider? I found some 1 year old chevrolet bolts for 310000 on Finn.

Thanks a lot and sorry for writing in English. Any advice would very much be appreciated. We are new to owning a car in general and electric one in particular.
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