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Emner - Scrooge

Jeg skriver dette innlegget for å dele min erfaring med at Tesla fjernet FSD fra bilen min slik at andre som er i samme situasjon kan få litt hjelp. FSD ble returnert til bilen i dag, 27.10.2020. Jeg har anonymisert innlegget, men håper at dette kan være til hjelp til andre der ute som skulle falle ut for samme problem.

Merk at jeg er veldig fornøyd med utfallet, noe jeg tror kan tilegnes at jeg hadde en dyktig og serviceinnstilt medarbeider hos Tesla Karihaugen som ga meg fantastisk god oppfølging.

Utgangspunktet er som følger:
* Jeg er tredje eier av en Tesla Model X 90D (1. gang reg. September 2017)
* Bilen hadde FSD-pakken da jeg kjøpte bilen (August 2019) og jeg fikk bekreftet skriftlig av servicesenter at bilen hadde FSD i mars 2020 fordi jeg ikke hadde noen dokumentasjon på det.
* Første eier har skrevet til meg på SMS at bilen fikk FSD som kompenasjon grunnet en tvist, det er alt jeg vet om det.

Her er hele e-posten jeg skrev til Tesla som beskriver problemet, hendelsesforløpet og slik jeg ser saken.

I write this e-mail in English so that I will not have to translate it later if required. Please note that ~~your service representative~~ knows about this issue, he can be included in the dialogue. He has been acting professionally through the process, and has helped to dig into the loss of FSD. I wish the case forwarded to a representative in Tesla Norway who can aid me with this issue.

Problem description
The background for this e-mail is that Tesla (you) have removed my car's FSD-feature as of around March 2020. I need this action reversed. The vehicle in question's VIN is ****************.

I am the third owner of the Tesla Model X with registration number AA00000. I have done my utmost to ensure that my car had the FSD feature at the time of purchase, and it both upsets and saddens me that Tesla has removed the FSD feature of the car without informing me and without my consent. This robs me of a feature I have great interest in, but more importantly gives me a significant economic loss as the cars valuation will have dropped by a substantial amount. The situation is quite absurd, as it is comparable to Tesla coming to claim my rims 2 years after the car was sold, which would be considered theft according to Norwegian law. A feature that has been a part of the car for a longer period (more than 2 years in this instance) must be considered a permanent part of the product. If this is true only for products that are named anything  other than Tesla then this will make buying Tesla cars second hand a huge risk for anyone as it has been for me, and something no sensible person would dare do.

Timeline of events
***September 2017***
•   The 1st owner buys the Tesla Model X, and the car is registered for the first time. At some point during the purchase he is compensated for a dispute/problem with Tesla, and the car is given FSD. I am sure you can check your logs to confirm the exact time and date when FSD was activated, if you have any documentation in regards to the given compensation I do not know.

***June 2019***
•   The 2nd owner buys the car. The 1st owner advertises that the car has FSD. **Finn-URL attatched**

***August 2019***
•   I find the car's ad,**Finn-URL attatched**. As any sensible buyer would, I ensure that the car has all the enlisted features. Through this process I learn that confirming FSD is really difficult. 
•   I call Tesla customer support to have it confirmed that the car indeed has FSD. Tesla customer support refuse to inform me about the FSD status as I am not the owner. I decide to buy the car, and have this confirmed when I am the owner, knowing that I am protected by Norwegian law so this would be reimbursed or the purchase could be cancelled if the product is not as advised.
•   I test drive the car and verify on-screen that it does have the FSD-capabilities. I purchase the car .
•   I call Tesla customer support again to confirm the car has FSD. This is confirmed to me over the phone, as I am now the rightful owner. This was a relief.

***March 2020***
•   Every service visit to Tesla Karihaugen I request a hardware upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0 as it is free of charge for cars that have the FSD feature, and it is also a requirement for further autopilot features. It reaches a point where I am concerned, so March 2020 I request to have Tesla Karihaugen confirm that the car has FSD. See the attached picture: **Picture attatached documents Tesla confirming that the car has FSD**

***October 2020***
•   During my last service I again request upgrade to HW 3.0, but I am told the car no longer has FSD and never had it. When looking back at the service history we see that it did indeed have FSD, and further digging reveals that it was removed (in March)! The service representative shows me this on the monitor as well, which confirms that it is documented on Tesla's side, but I am not allowed to take a picture of this. FSD is removed without contacting me, that in itself is outrageous and unacceptable.

The argument for reinstating FSD
•   As a second hand owner, I have paid the previous owner the market price of the car based on the fact that it has FSD enabled.
•   I made all the possible verifications in order to ensure that the car had FSD prior to- and after the purchase of the car
•   Tesla has activated FSD on the car more than 2 years back in time. That error (if it indeed is an error) lies solely with Tesla.
•   It is by no means reasonable nor acceptable to remove a costly feature from a product 2,5 years after you have sold it, that is no different from theft.
•   The cost for Tesla to reactivate FSD is marginal if even measurable. The cost for me to lose FSD which I have paid for is significant.
•   Tesla is making an innocent and unknowing party the victim of a dispute between Tesla and the first owner. This is unethical and cynical.

Regardless of what solution is landed, FSD must be reinstated immediately until the case is completely resolved. The original state of the car is that FSD is included in the car, therefore removing it can not be done until it is finitely decided that it is to be removed.

1.   Tesla immediately reinstates FSD to the car and apologises. The feature is added visibly in the car's configuration.
2.   A compensation for taking away a premium feature for half a year is presented or negotiated
3.   I will be left with a positive impression of Tesla, and will continue to be a current- and future customer of Tesla.

Consequence if no solution is found
Note that this is by no means a road I wish to go down, but I will not allow for the situation to go by without it being resolved properly.

1.   A process with Forbrukerrådet will be started in order to claim the feature reinstated and to be reimbursed for the lost period.
2.   I will not buy FSD for my current car, nor will I buy the upgrade to MCU 2.0 which I am considering at the moment
3.   Tesla will lose a dedicated customer who will never again purchase a Tesla (Waiting for TMY reservation at the moment, which will be cancelled)
4.   Negative PR. As you lose a die-hard fan of Tesla since 2013, I would feel compelled to inform other potential buyers and sellers about this mistreatment through social networks and media.
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