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Emner - Jan Treur

Hyundai Ioniq / 38 kWh Ioniq Batteriproblem
mandag 27. juli 2020, klokken 06:04
To tilfeller av et dramatisk tap av brukbar kapasitet (rundt 25%) av batteriet er rapportert for 38 kWh Ioniq. Se post Packard her
og post #13 her

Det ligner lignende Kona EV-problemer som rapportert her:

Er det flere saker?
Hyundai Ioniq / kW for heating or AC?
fredag 07. april 2017, klokken 16:43
Sorry that I cannot write in your own language, but I have a question I want to ask you.

To get a better approximation of the range for low and high temperatures it is useful to take into account the losses in kW power for heating or AC. I made a computational model with some parameters for this and I want to ask whether from your experiences the values for certain temperatures are too high, too low or OK. I assume preconditioning took place and this indicates only the average power in kW to maintain the interior temperature during the driving. Note that it sometimes fluctuates between lower and higher, so then an average should be considered.

This is the graph of the kW against outside temperature for the current settings (with interior set point 20 °C). I modeled the case that a heat pump is used (until -10 °C), as you can see in the curve of the blue line. For resistance-based heating you have to follow the straight red dotted line from -10 °C to the point 0 at 20 °C.

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