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Emner - MScStudentRui

Meg og min elbil / Request for participants for user interviews!
mandag 25. juli 2016, klokken 14:43
Dear Norwegian EV Drivers,

Can you help me with interviews for my user research for my Master thesis?  :)

Currently I am graduating at TU Delft for the master Strategic Product Design. For my thesis I am researching on electric cars and the user insights & experience.
Therefore I want to request for your help! Can you help me by getting interviewed through for approximately 30 minutes and tell me about your experiences, insights and opinion about some topics?
If you know other people who wants to join, that would be great!
As I do not speak Norwegian, it is all in English, thank you for understanding.

Thank you a lot in advance!

Kind regards,

Rui yan
Dear Norwegian EV Drivers,

Can you help me with interviews for my user research for my Master thesis?  :)

Currently I am graduating at TU Delft for the master Strategic Product Design. For my thesis I am researching on electric cars and the user insights & experience.
Therefore I want to request for your help! Can you help me by getting interviewed for approximately 30 minutes and tell me about your experiences, insights and opinion about some topics?
If you know other people who wants to join, that would be great!
As I do not speak Norwegian, it is all in English, thank you for understanding.

Thank you a lot in advance!

Kind regards,

Rui yan
Alt det andre / Request for participants for user interviews!
fredag 08. juli 2016, klokken 12:05
Dear Norwegian EV Drivers,

Can you help me with interviews for my user research for my Master thesis?  :)

Currently I am graduating at TU Delft for the master Strategic Product Design. For my thesis I am researching on electric cars and the user insights & experience.
Therefore I want to request for your help! Can you help me by getting interviewed for 30-60 minutes and tell me about your experiences, insights and opinion about some topics?
As I do not speak Norwegian, it is all in English, thank you for understanding.

Thank you a lot in advance!

Kind regards,

Rui yan
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