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Emner - PRensel


I recently 'found' a patched version of ZebraMonitor.
With this version you dont need the special codes from MES-DEA/Zebra to access some the special options like reset the SOC or to alter the % of faulty cells.

But remember that resetting an ISO fault is not safe and should be avoided anytime !!
Only use this version to reset the SOC when its out of range or to adjust the faulty cells from 10% to 15% or 20%. This way you can use your Zebra battery a bit longer (normal setting is that the battery stops when 10% of the cells are faulty).

If anyone is interested let me know so i can point to a download location...



I'd like to share my latest upgrade for the Think PIV4/Classic.
This is a full Nissan Leaf 24kWh batterypack custom build for the Think.
It fits in the original batterybox and attaches to the original wiring of the car.
The TIM/motorcontroller is modified so the motor has more power, 48kW instead of 20kW.

The original charger is replaced with two Brusa NLG chargers with a combined capacity of 6.6kW.

Because of the higher speeds the braking systems will be upgraded with ventilated disk brakes at the front and disk brakes at the rear. The suspension will be lowered and modfied by Intrax Racing suspension.

Hi all,

We recently finished our 'Thunder Th!nk' conversion.

For the Thunder Th!nk we replaced the standard 11kWh/114V NiCd battery for a 310V/76Ah/23kWh Zebra battery complete with uprated Zebra charger, DCDC converter and modified/simplified contactorbox.
The original Simotion inverter was modified for the higher 310V voltage.

At this moment the car is running very well and we're in the process of improving minor tweaks regarding power and speed. This new conversion also provides CANbus connectivity and we have a CANbus dashboard monitor in development that displays the Zebra and the Simotion values/settings on one display. Further development on this extension is still in progress.

The integration with the OpenVehicleMonitorinSystem (OVMS) is also possible which provides for example real-time charging and GPS information about the Th!nk on your mobile phone.

This Thunder Th!nk package will be available for sale (in limited supply) pretty soon.
Pricing for the complete drop-in package starts €3000



My 'power limit' comes on when driving faster then 30-40kmh.
The car keeps on driving but lacks power, it is like your driving in eco-mode.
I cant see any errors showing up in the CAN traffic so i believe the 'power limit'  is directly triggered from the PCU. From the Zebramonitor software i dont see any battery errors.

What could be causing this in the PCU ?
"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Think CANalyzer
onsdag 02. november 2016, klokken 10:54
Hi all,

I have just finished up the raw-build of the Think CANalyzer :-)
What is it:
It is a small Arduino CAN enabled device which plugs into the ODB socket and listen for the CAN traffic.
You can connect a serial device like a PC or whatever to the USB port and every CAN packet is logged to the serial/USB port.
For most packets there is a translation provided with more meaningfull words.

Here's a logging i have just made from my (defective) Think (as you can see in the logging)

Only CAN data that changes is logged (otherwise your screen is flooded with similar data).

I'm offering this software (and future updates) for FREE, the only thing you have to do is buy your own hardware.
You can buy it with me or if you prefer directly at Hobbytronics in the UK.

Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Palm m515 for sale
torsdag 13. oktober 2016, klokken 17:10
I have some Palm m515 for sale.
They come tested but without anything else. so no charger, cables, cover etc.
Just the bare Palm m515.

Price: 10 euro
Hello everyone,

I have the possibility to buy and restore a (very) demolished Think.
The VIN is: YYCAD2MC7AU00xxxx
This car had done only about 35.000km and is licensed in 2012.

The batteries and the BMS have been removed and are not available anymore.
All the other parts are there (in boxes) but they have been disassembled from the car in a very unprofessional way. For example the driving axles are just cutof instead of unbolted.

Before buying/starting on this project I like your advise about this:
- which generation Think/PCU is this ?
- what problems can be expected with the PCU
- can the driving axles be replaced with the ones from a Think Classic ?
- any other problems to expect ?

Is it still worth it to restore this little 'beauty'  or should i just walk away ?



Hello everyone,

I'm restoring a Think City A266.
Unfortunally the original charger is removed.
Does anyone have or know an original charger for sale ?



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