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"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Sv: Simulating BMI
onsdag 04. desember 2019, klokken 10:29
Hi Pexic!
Thanks for your answer. The price seems very good for these cells (30 eur for 60AH), it is basically the same AH as original battery. How many of them in series are required?

And of course, please share the contact with me, maybe I'll buy some for testing.

I am also a bit worried about Max Continuous Discharge Current which is 60A, would this be enough? My driving trace shows as much as 120A, but only for couple of secs while accelerating.

Regarding LiFePO4 - maybe it is worth considering warming them up just before driving if the temperature drops below 0?

Anyway, before buying the cells I need to find out the answers to all other questions :)
"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Sv: Simulating BMI
tirsdag 03. desember 2019, klokken 14:00

My Think with zebra battery just died with internal iso error. I just bought this car one month ago, and hoped it will serve for this winter, but apparently I have lost this lottery  :(. so I am investigating my options.

Sorry, this is going to be a long post. And thank you for any info in advance, I promise to share my entire process.

My first idea is to change the ZEBRA battery to something else, I am thinking about lithium (LiFePO4) approx. 10kwh - this should be enough for my daily needs. So I probably need to reprogram PCU (gen1) or build a zebra emulator - this one seems easier, so here is how I've got here :)

I've read your discussion and I am wondering did any of you have had any luck?

Before starting, I have a lot of questions. I have sniffed the CAN bus while driving the car (but not while charging it). This communication seems to be quite straight forward. So in short, zebra emulator would read info from lithium BMS (voltage, current, SOC, max charge voltage/current, what else?) and translate it to CAN for the car (informing the car that OK you can charge(regen) and/or discharge the battery).

But this is just a beginning, there are few more things to consider:

•   Voltage. What is a suitable voltage range to drive a motor for PCU (gen1) not to complain? For charger? Maybe I can even lower this voltage (so I would gain more range in exchange for power)?
•   Charging, how it is done - what are the communications? (I didn't trace this) BMI sends the max voltage/current allowed and that's it? Do you have a communication trace?
Why there is a connector to mains on the BMI? I suppose for battery heating and not for charging?
•   ISO testing. The isolation tests are there for our safety. I understand it is done by battery BMI? Do you know of any end product for this?
•   What else I have missed?

Thank you for any info
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