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Meldinger - manny_nl


sorry for the reply in English, i am from the Netherlands.

on page 86 and 87 of
you will find the temp resistants curve for the battery sensor.

can you share more info about the type 2 conversion. some pictures will be nice :D
Tidlige elbiler: PSA / Sv: Ladeproblem på P106 Electric
onsdag 06. mars 2019, klokken 15:41
My saxo 1999 whas type 3 and i changed it to 1

did no see a big change in charging profile.

Screenshot_20190302-205848 (Custom).png
I have the same problem with my saxo (1999).

has the new sensor fix the problem ?
Tidlige elbiler: PSA / Sv: Commutator damage Saxo
mandag 21. januar 2019, klokken 08:21
I got a replacement motor  :D

thanks elektrolux, for the tip!

my saxo will be on the road soon :)
Tidlige elbiler: PSA / Sv: Commutator damage Saxo
fredag 18. januar 2019, klokken 08:27
thanks for the response

I like to buy a replacement rotor. I have searched for GK system technic
but I am unable to find anything.

do you have a web address or is it a forum user

Tidlige elbiler: PSA / Commutator damage Saxo
torsdag 17. januar 2019, klokken 09:52

I recently bought a Saxo electrique with a motor problem. Its a bit bigger problem than i hoped for.

the commutator is burnt. so I need to repair or replace it.

IMG_20190113_125457 (Medium).jpg

IMG_20190113_132907 (Medium).jpg

I hope i can get some advice here.

manfred (I live in the Netherlands)
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