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Meldinger - Maurice M

Hi everyone,

The list provided by inheritance is very complete and correct for the most part, I think. I have been trying to find the correct driveshaft by searching for Peugeot / Citroen driveshafts. There is no driveshaft that comes close to the original one. Could they have used Italian parts (Fiat?) since the gearbox is Italian made. All input is very welcome. 
Hello Inheritance.

Thank you very much for your list!

With kind regards,
Hi Frederic,

Thank you for your reply. I will keep this in mind. Do you have any idea on what brand / make this drive shaft could be?

Kind regards,
"Nye" TH!NK City produsert fra 2008 - 2012 / Think City driveshaft
torsdag 15. november 2018, klokken 18:50
Hi everyone, I have a Think City here in the Netherlands and I have a problem with the tripode joint and some other issues with my drive shaft. Can anyone tell me what parts Think used on the Think City .I would like to know the brand / make of the driveshafts of the "original " donor" car. Any and all help is very much appreciated. Greetings,
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