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Meldinger - gecco

With my micro-vett I had the same problems, until the exchange of the 4 bords at the battery box.
Regards, Harald
Fiat / Sv: Fiat 500 micro-vett
mandag 07. november 2016, klokken 14:39
Hello Rudi
There are many problems with micro-vett cars -
Mostly it is the control box and/or the 4 boards on the battery blocks.
The only help is to get an expert from the company Micro-Vett in Italia - where you have to pay very much money. Usually several thousand euro, it is not worth.
Transportation costs are also a lot of money because you are not near as I am.
It is better to sell the car, and buy newer and more developed model in California for about $ 5000, - (every week more than 50 Fiat 500E are offered).
Best regards,
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