
Bilmerker => Tidlige elbiler: PSA => Emne startet av: timescape på torsdag 13. desember 2018, klokken 21:52

Tittel: SAXO Computer "ECU parameters" fault
Skrevet av: timescapetorsdag 13. desember 2018, klokken 21:52
I need some help...

My SAXO has got a "ECU parameters" fault"
Before I do anything I hope someone can help Me figure out has gone wrong and how to fix it :)

Before i describe what has happened and I have used Checkelec. I will point out that I do not blame Checkelec as changing parameters is My own responsibility. And Checkelec might not have anything to do with the fault :)

- Made water service (used Checkelec). Did "Initialisation charge" for 2min and asked for normal Charge. Cooling fan started running and had to pull battery fuse shortly to make it stop.
All OK.

- Drove until charge lamp came ON at 30% (this is OK as it are long time since I have runned the batteries fully empty).
I decided it was time to discharge the batteries fully.
While monitoring the cell voltage difference (not more than 50mV diff). I could safely keep driving :)

- It limited the power so the batteries did not drop below 110V.. (Long time ago I changed the parmeter "Voltage for 150A limitation" from 105V to 110V. To protect the batteries).

After some time the car kept the 110V but there was now more power and i was 500m from home :)
I decided to change the parameter "Voltage for 150A limitation" back to 105V so I could drive home..
No change in power for driving. So I did the trick and pulled the battery fuse shortly.
Turning On ing. and now I had a "ECU parameters" fault. Cleared it with Checkelec, but it just came back.
Checked parameter with Checkelec:
- Charge current now 10A (was 14A)
- Ah counters was all 0
- energi gauge was at 58,5%  (was 10% before).

I could drive home with no issue.

At home I tried the following:
- reset fault again, pull battery fuse and disconnect 12V Battery. Connected again.
The fault was gone when turning the key. But when connected checkelec again to check parameters and turned the key second time the fault was back..
- Now I can not make the "ECU parameters" fault go away. All Ah counters at 0, energy meter showing approx 58%.
I can clear fault with Checkelec but as soon I turn the key or plug in the mains for charging the fault comes back..

The car will drive and charge OK..

Before I connect Lexia or do anything else..

- What did I do wrong ?
- what can I do to fix a "ECU parameters" fault. Is there a way to restore ?

- I have Lexia, but have no idea how the use the remote programming. (and hope it will not be necessary).
Also I will try to avoid making a full "Initialisation charge" to re-initialize the ECU..


Tittel: Sv: SAXO Computer "ECU parameters" fault
Skrevet av: Elmomandag 17. desember 2018, klokken 00:12
Sitat fra: timescape på torsdag 13. desember 2018, klokken 21:52
Also I will try to avoid making a full "Initialisation charge" to re-initialize the ECU..
To the last first.  As far as I know the "Initialisation charge" is only a charge program to balance the batteries as best possible (loooong time low current), and does not initialize the ECU
Tittel: Sv: SAXO Computer "ECU parameters" fault
Skrevet av: runedkmandag 17. desember 2018, klokken 09:47
I dont know if this is the same ECU fault as i had.
I had the fault "Parameter version - Wrong Parameter version" as is called when i read out the fault on my Lexia.
I got rid of this by doing a "Teleindkodning" on the Lexia.
This will reset everything on the ECU, after doing this make it charge and i should be back to normal.
Tittel: Sv: SAXO Computer "ECU parameters" fault
Skrevet av: timescapefredag 28. desember 2018, klokken 12:56
No, It is not parmeter version fault..

I did reset Ah counters with lexia. Fault gone...
But many parameter values have changed...

Checkelec shows "Battery type" as 3.. what is type 3 battery ?

Can I change all parameters back (I have all my old values written down). ?
Is it best to do "remote programming" to initialize the whole ECU first ?
