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Sell new Jaguar i-Pace First Edition from Germany, delivery mid February 2019

Startet av TeeKay, tirsdag 15. januar 2019, klokken 14:38

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I want to sell a new, never registered Jaguar i-Pace First Edition. The car is already produced and ready for delivery in Berlin/Germany in mid of February 2019.

Net price without VAT is 87800 euro - that's the price I have to pay to my dealer, who doesn't want to cancel my buying contract.

Car is ordered in Corris grey with light oyster sport seats, interior in ebony/light oyster and premium velours headliner in light oyster. Bumber protection and mud flaps are also ordered, but I think they will be attached in Berlin, so we can omith them, if you don't like it.

My company can sell the car with net price without VAT, we can make an export declaration and we can assist with transport. Or we organize temporary licence plates for export, so you can drive the car by yourself to Norway. [Or I drive it to Norway on your request. :)]

I ordered this car for a friend from Belarus. Unfortunately Jaguar sells this car in Belarus for the same price as in EU since some weeks, although Belarus charges 25% import duty. So if my friend would import the car instead of buy it in Belarus, he would have to pay a 25% higher price. My company has already four electric cars and we don't need a new one now. Dealer insists on buying the car from him in 4 weeks. So here we are - I have to sell it. :)

If you are apprehensive to buy the car from my company, I can ask the dealer if he would sell the car for net price to a foreigner and assists with export.

You can contact me by mail or phone +49 173 517 888 7.


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