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Red light at some type 2 chargers

Startet av spenceme, fredag 04. januar 2019, klokken 16:35

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I have a 2018 FL300 generally no issues, but several chargers refuse to connect using the black type 2 cable.  The car shows just shows a yellow light by the charge port, but the chargers show a flashing red light (i guess a ground fault?).  It has the same problem with at least two chargers (Schneider stations in Kilden), but charges fine with the same cable on a 11kw public charger.  Any idea if this is a cable problem or problem with the car? 


Could be something wrong with the locking mecanism in the type 2 connector in your car. If you are able to pull the type 2 plug out of the car, it means it has not locked.
Grå 2013 Model S P85


Tested again tonight. The cable definitely locks onto the car ok. The red lights on the charger starts with just the cable connected. Acted the same on two different brand chargers. Not sure if this is normal if the car is not connected though. Seems to make no difference if the car is plugged in or not.

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