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Think2010 lithium - Charging Problem

Startet av runeno, mandag 19. november 2018, klokken 22:09

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Below I have attached diagnostic information from CommTool v2.1. Previous owner has changed 12v battery, PCU and DCDC card and probably much more. I have deleted all malfunction codes using CommTool. However, there is still an active error code. In my opinion, this is because the lithium battery has not been charged since Mai 2018. So now, the charger will not starte charging because the cells have to low voltage. Is it possible to adjust the limit (is that the delta?) below the current voltage in the cells, below 2.4951 volts. The CV_Delta is now set to 2.9688. I think this is the reason for the charging is disabled.

Is there any experts here that can give me hints on how to fix this?

Du kan ikke vise dette vedlegget.


The problem was a RLEC card. This is now changed, and now the car is functional again. It both charge and drive.

Kind Regards



2011 Think 4-seter med Lithium (ex Zebra), ESP, a/c og PTC varme
E-twow Booster 2S sparkesykkel
ex 2003 Kewet 5
ex 2020 Vespa Elettrica L3 (70 km/t)
ex Go Motorboard sparkesykkel



Where did you find your RLEC board ?

Thank you



I am sure elbilmek in Norway have RLEC cards available, but they are expensive. So, you should test first by switching the two RLECs on the same submodule. Then attach the batterypack to the car, and rerun the diagnose.

There might be private persons here that might have RLECs too. It is importantl that the new RLEC card uses the same slave ID AS the defect one.

Kind Regards


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