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Video: Multiple Rapid Charging / Charging concerns & why I wouldn't buy a 39kWh

Startet av elekTrond, fredag 16. november 2018, klokken 11:36

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Snublet borti en inte-ressant test her nå. Han virker ikke altfor fornøyd etter tre ladesesjoner på rappen. For ordens skyld innehar biltestern sjøl en Kona64.

Ujevn ytelse fra DCFC/DCQDC, TMS og varmeapparat.  :o Det med varmen synes jeg å ha hørt før, om Ampera-e og/eller Leaf. Er det en slags auto-innstilling som overstyrer og plutselig setter på AC-kjøling i stedet for å bare kutte varmen et øyeblikk? (12m02s av 16m)
Multiple Rapid Charging / Charging concerns & why I wouldn't buy a 39kWh Kona Electric
Published by The EV Puzzle on Thu, 08 Nov 2018 17:46:03 GMT

SitatNot my finest video creation for sure. I've really disliked making this video from start to end.

The idea was simple, three rapid charges and some quick driving but I wasn't to know my opinion of the car would dramatically change.

So much of the footage I shot became redundant and Inappropriate once I analysed the data. The car seems to charge slower than I expected and potentially had issues charging from cold. The BMS becomes active at various times without a consistent pattern.

Compared to the 64kwh version the 39kwh is half the car when you consider it's limited range in worst case scenarios and slower charging performance.

Remember this is my opinion only and I've been spoilt with the 64kwh version.

With so much secrecy from Hyundai about what the BMS is actually doing, we simply can't fully understand the cars abilities in respect to charging and hence it's sadly easy to draw conclusions from tests such as this. Ideally, such tests would be repeated over multiple times to prove results and again varying parameters to learn more.

The charging time of 57 minutes seemed accurate for the 20% to 80% charge but sadly 6% to 80% wasn't so swift.

Does the 39kwh Kona have issues charging from cold? Why does the BMS come on when the battery is cold? Why was charging limited to 14kw from cold in my final test? All unanswered I'm afraid.
'13 Mjau


Vet ikke hvilke forskjeller som finnes på utstyr og funksjoner rundt kjøling etc. på 39kwh versjonen vs den som selges på det norske markedet. Men det kan være interessant å følge denne for dem som evt. vurderer å kjøpe en importbil med den lille batteripakken.
Rent umiddelbart så kan det jo virke som at noe ikke er riktig med den bilen han bruker siden BMS stopper viften tilsynelatende umotivert under hurtiglading og laderaten faller samtidig.   

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