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Think Gearshift Problem - SOLVED -

Startet av Th!nkJB67, lørdag 19. mars 2022, klokken 13:30

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i have a problem with the gearshift.
Sometimes the car won´t start. The shifter is in position P, but the indicator lamp shows N and
the Power Limit Light flashing.
No matter what gear I put in, N is always displayed and flashing.

How can I fix this?
There are some microswitches, but I don´t know which one.
Maybe the shifter is worn and does not hit the right position.

The 12V Batterie is OK at 12,6V.

Here is a video on facebook:

The same on yt:

Thank you in advance.



It was the most obvious in electronic. A little bit of contact spray to the cable lugs of the microswitches...

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