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Weird issue with headlights

Startet av jim3cantos, mandag 17. september 2018, klokken 19:11

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I'm having a weird issue with headlights. From time to time (last time yesterday) the light switch stops working properly and the low beams don't turn on when the switch is in position. Additionally, if I pull the lever to activate the high beams, they turn on but don't stay on when releasing the lever. It stays that way for a while (may be hours or even days) until eventually (still don't know why and how) the high beams stay on on a pull and pulling again the lever, the high beams go off and the low beams turn (magically) on. After that, usually the lights works fine again or I have to repeat the procedure (light switch + pull twice the lever) for a few days or weeks in order to turn on the low beams. I'm fearing the whole thing breaks down and I'm no able to drive in the night anymore.

This last time, when I detected the problem, the car had been for two days without charging or been connected, and 12V battery voltage went down to 12,2V (from OVMS reading), but this battery has been changed less than two years ago and I haven't had any issues with it until now.

Any thoughts about what could be the "culprit"?



Try to change the relays for the headlights. Stuck maybe?
nikometer? -


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