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Think Nikometer integration

Startet av mystercoco, tirsdag 07. august 2018, klokken 15:46

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Hi all,

I would like to share my Nikometer installation as it can inspire some Think user.
It was meant to be integrated in the car and invisible at first look.

To start, I prepared an ODB connector (from alieexpress) and cut it on the other end to keep the wiring. From that, I extracted the 3 needed wires: CANLOW, CANHIGH and GROUND. Finally a small drilling in the bottom of the fuse box allows the wire to go into the part behing the Radio.
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The wired are then connected to the fast plug (delivered with the duinomite board).
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I used the + coming from the AMP out wire of the Radio. It allows the board to start only when the Radio is ON (so it won't take energy unnecessarily).
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With a small high quality Video composite cable, I connected the Video IN from the Android Radio to the Video OUT of the duinomite board.
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After wiring, I have isolated the duinomite board to avoid short circuit and put it behind the radio on the bottom (behind the button board). Putting back the radio allows to see the result (using an Android application).
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If not needed, the screen can return into the Radio to make it looks like before (and get the full power out of the car ventilation fan).
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Finally, I have modified the piece of plastic going above the fuse box so that the plug can fit below. For that, I used a small gas lighter to heat the part of the plastic and a piece of metal to bend it a little bit.
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Nice! Thank you for sharing!
Very good idea with the power!

Do you mind if I replicate the photos and the text here:
nikometer? -


Veldig pent ja.

Man kunne ha vurdert å bruke en OBD-splitter slik at man ikke hadde trengt å borre/bøye. Mulig Elbilhjelpen her slik splitter inne?


No problem to share it on your website.
Sitat fra: BauDemo på torsdag 09. august 2018, klokken 07:48
Nice! Thank you for sharing!
Very good idea with the power!

Do you mind if I replicate the photos and the text here:

For the odb2 split, I used a very slim one to be able to put the cover again.


nikometer? -

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